Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

SXP - SAPEX Limited

Bought into Sapex today at 46c, moving along very nicely now. Nobody wants to sell their SXP, very tightly held. Very much a sleeping stock, just watch it rise in the next couple of weeks :D

Farout...sold 1/3 of SXPO yesterday at 0.215...a difficult order to retain a holding in ERH with drill results pending from Brazil oil project.
It was one or the other....thankfully ERH up not kicking myself too hard.
Do agree though...tightly held with huge potential. The more publicity LNC garners, the more exposure SXP will gain
Nice work Col, think we'll see similar results with SXP, over a longer period however. Sometimes it's just about being in the right place at the right time.
Farout...sold 1/3 of SXPO yesterday at 0.215...a difficult order to retain a holding in ERH with drill results pending from Brazil oil project.
It was one or the other....thankfully ERH up not kicking myself too hard.
Do agree though...tightly held with huge potential. The more publicity LNC garners, the more exposure SXP will gain

Many difficult decisions in the CSG & UCG sector at the moment. I sold a few PES just under $1 to lock in some profits and hey presto - 25% gain since then! Lucky I still have some!!:)

Bought SXPO with the PES profits (after keeping an eye on them for some time) and pretty happy with them so far so like-wise, I can't complain!!
Probably any of these CSG/UCG stocks have mileage in them - though I feel SXP will be huge when it starts proving up resources - so I expect this one will be a bottom drawer stock for me...

good luck all. must be loving the CSM the true believer you have been through the thin times. I got squeezed out of a few of my CSM stocks with the sub-prime debacle but held onto/accumulated AJL (my main stock along with NXS) and have been accumulating SGL & SXPO....with expectations of focus on NSW CSM to be next off the rank...
News just out, Sapex has got two new mineral exploration licenses... keep that news rolling Sapex .
I've been buying into the UCG sector for a couple of years now as well Col, back when LNC was just a baby. Things sure have picked up and I'm still riding the wave of underground coal.
Nice work Col, think we'll see similar results with SXP, over a longer period however. Sometimes it's just about being in the right place at the right time.

Makes a nice change farout...though I note SXPO( up 43%) is narrowing the gap with ERH (now up 75%).....all good must be loving the CSM the true believer you have been through the thin times. I got squeezed out of a few of my CSM stocks with the sub-prime debacle but held onto/accumulated AJL (my main stock along with NXS) and have been accumulating SGL & SXPO....with expectations of focus on NSW CSM to be next off the rank...

SXP today - came back for lunch and BANG - she was off - just before the announcement :rolleyes:. very interesting - but hey - I'm not complaining!

Sector has been great recently - yep, Col. Wish I had got onto LNC back when I first looked at it... but everyone has 20/20 hindsight I guess!! I expect a big future for CSG / UCG across the board, some consolidations maybe soonish, maybe down the track... I'm wondering today if the bigger CSG players might be looking at the up-coming UCG companies and rubbing their hands together for a tilt at a t/o??
Seems to make perfect sense to me - though not sure if it's feasible to extract CSG first then come back and go for the UCG. Havn't worked out if they need different type of coal or what??... any ideas...???

(might post this question on the general CSG thread)

it just builds & builds, holding a strong on:2twocents:eek: 24% today

SAPEX awarded two new mineral Exploration Licences in St Vincent Basin.
SAPEX is pleased to advise that it has been awarded two new mineral Exploration Licences,
(EL), in the St Vincent Basin, immediately north of Adelaide.
The licences are:
EL 4147 Inkerman area, approximately 70 km NNW of Adelaide; 288 sq km
EL 4148 Walloway area, approximately 90 km SE of Pt Augusta; 173 sq km
Both of these ELs lie within Petroleum Exploration Licence (PEL) 120 in which SAPEX holds
a 100% interest. The ELs have been awarded for an initial term of one year but are
The purpose of both licences is to explore for Coal Seam Gas (CSG) and Underground Coal
Gasification potential in the Tertiary age brown coal where internal studies have indicated the
presence of coal at varying depths below the surface.
Quite right, however I don't know how anyone can take you seriously with the nick "In-consistant". :eek: But I guess mine isn't much better.
Quite right, however I don't know how anyone can take you seriously with the nick "In-consistant". :eek: But I guess mine isn't much better.

Farout thanks alot? I think Sapex is holding strong, and has the potental to go along way for Investors. What do you think, any reason why its not as good as I will cliam, pls respond anyone?

I brought into Sapex 2 July 2007. When I spoted SXPO bounce through the rictor scale on my percentage radar. WHY; because I was looking for stocks in the Energy Sector, that were going to prosper from Low Green House Gas Emmissions. All around the time the Government was announcing to do its part towards Global Warming. Sapex appeared perfect for that notion and a good reason to Invest I thought.

As its turning out, I was right. Sapex is really fuctioning good for my money and I can't see any reason for it to not to continue in this fashion. Can You?
I am rather excited about Sapex and there announcements, 100% owned, excempt a couple of partnerships with ESG and Links, whom have a small percentage, for them to ensure sapex get it right. As a environmentally friendly mining scheme, Coal to Liquid (CTL) diesel. That I think speaks volumes for todays era and the economony. Apparently they have alot of it.

On that note, you's can see that I can only brag about it, and bring forward the links already mentioned about Sapex and I quess what I think, really stands out concerning it. Certianly value for money, in my book, as I feel it has only scratched the surface and will go a long way for Investors.
Now of course there is alot more involved for concerned Investors like me. Such as; is it well managed and constucted for distrobution. I think so, as I believe Sapex is laying it foundations well, and in a responsable buisness sense. I can only imagine a excellent Profit Combound to continue and exceed our exspectations.

What do you guys think, am I in over my head? Does sapex rely heavally on buyers? Is there something I may of missed, that could be Sapex's demise?


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Appears to have broken out today :)

I'm just following graces comp picks around lol

congratz grace :) u seem to be doing wel hehe

up about 16%
Appears to have broken out today :)

I'm just following graces comp picks around lol

congratz grace :) u seem to be doing wel hehe

up about 16%

You don't seem to be doing too bad yourself! ;)

I haven't won one yet, so don't get too excited. Picked LNC the month before I should have.

Have to see how Mr Bond goes making his movie at Chinchilla (action or horror) to see if SXP is in with a chance this month.:rolleyes:
WOW. What's going on here. It's up 25% today.
Any ideas what's happening to this stock today?
Let's hope it keeps going north for all of us that hold.
WOW. What's going on here. It's up 25% today.
Any ideas what's happening to this stock today?
Let's hope it keeps going north for all of us that hold.

Nice day indeed
- if I'm not mistaken there should have been some drilling going on recently (by linc I think? ) so it's possible that good results might be leaking out... you know what they say...

loose lips sink ships.....
but leaky lips... turn ships into rockets!!!

Gotta love CSG/UCG recently.:D

These guys have huge tenements - almost all of the arckaringa basin NW of adelaide, + some closer in near GLX, - so their potential resource is equally huge. will have to try to find the targets...

-g'luck - dukey.

(holding sxpo)

edit: will be very interested to see if there is an announcement soon
Nice day indeed
- if I'm not mistaken there should have been some drilling going on recently (by linc I think? ) so it's possible that good results might be leaking out... you know what they say...

loose lips sink ships.....
but leaky lips... turn ships into rockets!!!

Gotta love CSG/UCG recently.:D

These guys have huge tenements - almost all of the arckaringa basin NW of adelaide, + some closer in near GLX, - so their potential resource is equally huge. will have to try to find the targets...

-g'luck - dukey.

(holding sxpo)

edit: will be very interested to see if there is an announcement soon

Nice day indeed Dukey.
Even though it closed the day at over 16% from it's high of about 25%,
it was a good day had by all.
Let's hope that it keeps rising next week, and then hopefully an announcement, so that it will be heading much norther than north.
Good luck to all holders.
Have a great long weekend.
Go the BLUES. (Carlton footy club)
Nice day indeed Dukey.
Even though it closed the day at over 16% from it's high of about 25%,
it was a good day had by all.
Let's hope that it keeps rising next week, and then hopefully an announcement, so that it will be heading much norther than north.
Good luck to all holders.
Have a great long weekend.
Go the BLUES. (Carlton footy club)

!!! looks like it might be a bigger announcement than we thought - (and definitely some leaky lips last week!)

- Trading halt to await announcement on POSSIBLE MERGER!!!
- Most likely candidates (in my view) - Linc or ESG both of whom I think have existing links with SXP. Then again - could be a bolt out of the blue. ... STO?? QGC ??

EDIT : would appear to be Linc as they are both in a trading halt - announced before open this morning, and finishing thursday before trade - or after announcement.
Someone thinks the offer will be $150million, which equates to about 90cents per share (fully diluted).

Mining and resources company Linc Energy is set to acquire South Australia-based Sapex, which specialises in underground coal gasification (UCG). The two companies entered a trading halt yesterday in anticipation of a deal. Brisbane-based Linc, which has accumulated a 5.3 percent stake in Sapex over the past two months, is expected to offer about A$150 million for the takeover target. The UCG assets will be used by Linc for clean diesel production, and possibly for electricity generation.
Someone thinks the offer will be $150million, which equates to about 90cents per share (fully diluted).

90cps sounds pretty good - but then sxp could have humungous resources in arckaringa.....

question .... what happens to my SXPO ? I presume they would be treated much the same as SXP shares - minus the exercise price??

I have no experience of t/o or merger situation with outstanding company issued options?
Hi Dukey or Grace (or anyone else that can help)
I noticed on etrade that there is something on Sapex that i don't understand.
1 @ .88 3 @ .70
1 @ .82 1 @ .71
1 @ .80 1 @ .715
1 @ .77 1 @ .76
6 @ .75 1 @ .77
3 @ .74 1 @ .83
3 @ .735 1 @ 1.10
1 @ .72
1 @ .705
9 @ .70

The share price closed at .695
So why are the top 9 buyers willing to pay more than the top seller?
Shouldn't the seller want to sell more than what the buyer is asking?
I hope it all makes sense?
Thanks guys.

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