Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Two-way block

Whatever the shortcomings I continue to think the ability to two way block significantly enhances the user experience on ASF. Without it I know I would not be here. It stops a lot of poor behaviour and abuse. I think the only alternative is much more active moderation which is a PITA for Joe & others.

I have always used blocking on social media platforms to greatly enhance the experience. Life is much more pleasant!
For me I don't find a need to block anyone. It is just as easy to ignore posts from the morons and move on.
For me I don't find a need to block anyone. It is just as easy to ignore posts from the morons and move on.

Certainly works with you lower grade moron, but the malicious ones follow you round the forum, trolling, dog whistling and flame baiting, wrecking discussions and causing mayhem. The beauty of the double block is it starves them of oxygen, and they slowly wither and die.
I live in terror of being blocked
have been ignored and censored before ( but not here yet )

and folks have been hurt ( physically or financially )

the important part is to step out of the way of the train-wreck you can see coming , those who follow were destined to survive
I have blocked quite a few and think it is the best thing since the Internet

Unfortunately I found on ASF "The more you Succeed The more you are Resented"

I must thank GG for Blocking me FIRST
I did not know that I could BLOCK him , his clique and the many ASF champions of the one -liners with their half smart bitter e-mails
But It Works ! It is a Beautiful thing!
The number of e-mails I receive is now manageable and I even look forward to them

Life is pleasant on my Ship Joe
Many Thanks

........... but the malicious ones follow you round the forum, trolling, dog whistling and flame baiting, wrecking discussions and causing mayhem..............

I suppose that brings us to another issue - should not the bad behaviour be addressed rather than just taking action not to see the bad behaviour. Whenever we open a post down the bottom left hand corner is a provision to report the post.

@Joe Blow has this this function been used for bad behaviour? What action is taken to curb that behaviour when reported and has it worked? In theory, the bad behaviour could/should be addressed at this point.
Different conditions I know, but on one I was one the admins, if somebody misbehaved, one warning and second time - out. Easy to do that with over 40,000 members, we didn't miss the odd one or 6. Different here.
I have blocked quite a few and think it is the best thing since the Internet

Unfortunately I found on ASF "The more you Succeed The more you are Resented"

I must thank GG for Blocking me FIRST
I did not know that I could BLOCK him , his clique and the many ASF champions of the one -liners with their half smart bitter e-mails
But It Works ! It is a Beautiful thing!
The number of e-mails I receive is now manageable and I even look forward to them

Life is pleasant on my Ship Joe
Many Thanks

View attachment 167170
You get emails??
@Joe Blow has this this function been used for bad behaviour? What action is taken to curb that behaviour when reported and has it worked? In theory, the bad behaviour could/should be addressed at this point.
Different conditions I know, but on one I was one the admins, if somebody misbehaved, one warning and second time - out. Easy to do that with over 40,000 members, we didn't miss the odd one or 6. Different here.

I think the question need to be asked, what constitutes "bad behaviour"? And what constitutes behaviour that requires intervention? If you asked 100 people you would get 100 different answers. Some are extremely sensitive to the point of seeing perceived slights everywhere while some take anything in their stride.

Does the two way block prevent some bad behaviour? I would say yes, definitely, and that's a good thing in my estimation. It most certainly blocks targeted bad behaviour where someone takes a dislike to someone else and may be overly critical of them. Actually, I would say that this one outcome probably justifies the existence of the two way block and has probably saved ASF entirely because if I had to intervene in these kind of situations day in and day out this place would have been closed down a long time ago.

As for bad behaviour generally, when I feel intervention is justified I intervene. However, often this is done via PM. Honestly, there's not a lot of it these days. It was much worse 10 or 15 years ago when the community was much busier. Now its very much an occasional thing and at least some of that is due to people being able to block others from viewing their content. In a way it's perfect diplomacy in action; if you want to view someone's content then show them civility and respect. If not, then you will likely cease to exist to them... and that's probably the way it should be.

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