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Australian Politics General...

No they are not, they are supposed to look after u non members first, thats the only reason the blokes who run the unions have the management positions they have.
A union is supposed to look after its members... not non members.
Bit of a laugh isn't it?

Ridiculously harsh lockdowns, police beatings, the redefining of 'peaceful protests', overbearing big brother intrusion, surveillance, censorship of the net, fake news, fake science, now the scrubbing of people's lives that were protesting against a idiotic mandate. Let's not forget the 'emergencies act' that was invoked.

Perhaps we should label the nsw unions that are holding up the trains in Sydney as terrorists. Then raid their bank accounts and ruin their credit scores.

Whinge about it you boot licking cucks. Any government overreach is too much. And it's too much right bloody now.
The meme was apt as you are all the exact type of flogs that would sit back and let it happen

Just another day in NSW eh...:)
No they are not, they are supposed to look after u non members first, thats the only reason the blokes who run the unions have the management positions they have.

Is that like saying the Liberal party should look after Labor electorates?

Like Morrison is doing with slush funds funded by tax payers.
And the victim politics of the left start already!

btw where have the unions been for the past decade. Allowing big businesses to casual the work force and destroy wages?
The unions are pathetic and useless now days. Globalists allow big business to screw over the Australian worker but happy to protect the useless over paid very under preforming government employee
Oh you mean the last decade of Liberal federal government and work choices lol
Why are they so scared of unions if they're useless or is it they outperformed the banks super funds
Unions ripping off government projects with price blowouts. Yep we all end up subsidising them. We want to talk scams then there's a long list.
And looking after members is a laugh. Oh unless you mean stacking family members and friends on jobs.

But despite all that, they are necessary.
The Royal Commission into Trade Union Governance and Corruption was a Royal Commission established by the Australian government to inquire into alleged financial irregularities associated with the affairs of trade unions.[1] The Australian Workers Union, Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union, Electrical Trades Union, Health Services Union and the Transport Workers Union were named in the terms of reference.[2] The Royal Commission inquired into the activities relating to slush funds and other similar funds and entities established by, or related to, the affairs of these organisations.[3]

The Prime Minister Tony Abbott announced the Royal Commission on 10 February 2014 and nominated that the Commission be overseen by a sole Royal Commissioner, The Honourable Dyson Heydon, AC QC, a former High Court judge. Letters Patent were issued on 13 March 2014. The Commissioner submitted an Interim Report[4] in December 2014, which found cases of "wilful defiance of the law" and recommended criminal charges against certain unionists. Allegations of illegality against nine unions had been uncovered, with over 50 potential breaches of criminal and civil law identified.[5]

Following an extension, the Commissioner presented his final report to the Governor-General in December 2015, finding "widespread and deep-seated" misconduct by union officials in Australia. More than 40 people and organisations were referred to authorities, including police, Directors of Public Prosecutions, the Australian Securities and Investments Commission and the Fair Work Commission, and a recommendation for the establishment of an independent body to investigate union records and finances was made.[6]

Only one conviction ever resulted from the entire process, while five other union officials have either had their charges dropped, or were found not guilty.[7]

The Australian Council of Trade Unions labelled the Royal Commission as a politicised stitch-up intended solely to advance the Union busting ideological & partisan agenda of the Liberal Party of Australia. The Labor Party of Australia through their employment spokesman, Brendan O’Connor labelled the Royal Commission as modern-day McCarthyism and an outrageous intrusion into the personal affairs of Union members.[8][9]

The Royal Commission into Trade Union Governance and Corruption was a Royal Commission established by the Australian government to inquire into alleged financial irregularities associated with the affairs of trade unions.[1] The Australian Workers Union, Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union, Electrical Trades Union, Health Services Union and the Transport Workers Union were named in the terms of reference.[2] The Royal Commission inquired into the activities relating to slush funds and other similar funds and entities established by, or related to, the affairs of these organisations.[3]

The Prime Minister Tony Abbott announced the Royal Commission on 10 February 2014 and nominated that the Commission be overseen by a sole Royal Commissioner, The Honourable Dyson Heydon, AC QC, a former High Court judge. Letters Patent were issued on 13 March 2014. The Commissioner submitted an Interim Report[4] in December 2014, which found cases of "wilful defiance of the law" and recommended criminal charges against certain unionists. Allegations of illegality against nine unions had been uncovered, with over 50 potential breaches of criminal and civil law identified.[5]

Following an extension, the Commissioner presented his final report to the Governor-General in December 2015, finding "widespread and deep-seated" misconduct by union officials in Australia. More than 40 people and organisations were referred to authorities, including police, Directors of Public Prosecutions, the Australian Securities and Investments Commission and the Fair Work Commission, and a recommendation for the establishment of an independent body to investigate union records and finances was made.[6]

Only one conviction ever resulted from the entire process, while five other union officials have either had their charges dropped, or were found not guilty.[7]

The Australian Council of Trade Unions labelled the Royal Commission as a politicised stitch-up intended solely to advance the Union busting ideological & partisan agenda of the Liberal Party of Australia. The Labor Party of Australia through their employment spokesman, Brendan O’Connor labelled the Royal Commission as modern-day McCarthyism and an outrageous intrusion into the personal affairs of Union members.[8][9]

Yeah nice cover up attempt.

Along with hundreds of incidents that didn't make it.
Unions ripping off government projects with price blowouts. Yep we all end up subsidising them. We want to talk scams then there's a long list.
And looking after members is a laugh. Oh unless you mean stacking family members and friends on jobs.

But despite all that, they are necessary.
Unions don't quote jobs

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