Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Two-way block

GG, this is a one way street, you'll cause an accident....

Smurf, my previous's not aimed at you.....have to clarify this in case you misunderstood....honest, cross my heart
Unfortunately people who insist on having an argument can turn others off so much that it's not worthwhile continuing an argument, even though the nuisance is not being insulting or derogatory. In those cases I think it's best to agree to disagree at some point and go on to something else.
As soon as I saw your comment , I thought of another TV show, Monty Python and the argument sketch.

Smurf, I agree that the block is necessary esp, when one's mental health is impacted by posts of derogatory nature......not all obvious but simple derogatory nouns, adjectives, phrasing of sentences, tone conveyed in posts, all amount to bullying. Whist we are an investment forum, focused on making money, money isn't the pursuit of money, we lose sight of others...........taking care of other people etc..........
Fully agree.

Toxic negativity is an epidemic in society in my view, it's everywhere especially online, and we'd all be better off without it.
Have to admit I love the block/ignore function on ASF. I'm please to find out old mate skate has put me on block and it's like a monkey is off my back. Long live the ignore function
Joe is there anything that can be done about not seeing threads that were started by someone that has you on ignore.

The ignore functionality is a third party add-on that has not been maintained. Needless to say it has some bugs. The back end has the following option:

As you can see, it is ticked. But it doesn't work. The developer has been made aware of this but doesn't seem to care. So at the moment I'm kind of stuck.
Joe is there anything that can be done about not seeing threads that were started by someone that has you on ignore.
It is not only the person who has started the thread, any topic is greyed out in the new posts list if the person who has you on ignore has just posted on that thread.

Example: @ducati916 has me on ignore and has posted this on the “Dump It Here” thread.

“So I have just undertaken a first pass analysis of FMG.
It is likely manipulating its earnings. Specifically around capitalising expenses. Which of course makes earnings look better.

I'm going to dig in deeper over the next few days.

jog on

As an aside: obviously there are easy ways to see what was posted by someone who has you on ignore so the function is probably superfluous anyway. I never bother to do so and the only reason I did so now was for this example.

As you can see, it is ticked. But it doesn't work. The developer has been made aware of this but doesn't seem to care. So at the moment I'm kind of stuck.
@Joe Blow, this brings in some possible unexpected consequences.

As it is greyed out, I know Duc has posted so I don’t bother opening it or go back to it for quite a while because until Duc stops posting there I am getting only part if the conversation anyway, which becomes confusing. Result is I miss @Skate 's last 6 or so posts and any of the other responses made . before I may go back to the new posts there in a few days. This will obviously occur in other threads to those also on ignore.

As this would be the case for anybody on ignore there is detrimental effect of possibly stifling discussion.

I don’t have anybody on ignore because I am happy for my posts to be read by everybody, not selected people. If there is anybody whose post I don’t want to read, I just don’t read them. The only other ignore I know of is the mad captain but he doesn't come out of his cabin much to other discussions.
I'd be happy to remove the third party ignore functionality completely, but there are many here who swear by it and say that it makes their experience at ASF better and more enjoyable. So I stick with it. It does seem to work, at least in part.

Any diplomacy is just an attempt at balancing competing interests. What is it that people want? What will make them stay? What will make their experience here more enjoyable? What will make ASF more civil and less combative?

How can all this be solved? I guess the answer is that it can't, at least in a way that satisfies everyone. I think about this issue a lot, but there are no easy answers and no solutions that will make everyone happy.

My personal view is that people do have the right to customise their experience at any online venue. They should be able to block people or threads, or even entire forums that they find objectionable or irritating. I don't think that there's anything inherently wrong with that. The problem is that the functionality doesn't yet exist to make this a simple and seamless experience. I have been an advocate for better and more comprehensive ignore functionality in the core software but it seems the developers aren't interested in it. They think that this is an area where third party development will meet the needs of forums who would like this added functionality. The problem is that it hasn't yet and I'm not sure when it will.

So I just stay with the status quo and deal with other issues as they arise. The bottom line is that there is no perfect solution to this issue coming anytime soon.
So I just stay with the status quo and deal with other issues as they arise. The bottom line is that there is no perfect solution to this issue coming anytime soon.
I have no problem with it, just outlining an issue that can result in the blocked people getting only part if the conversation in other people's thread.
I have no problem with it, just outlining an issue that can result in the blocked people getting only part if the conversation in other people's thread.

I agree, and this is what prevents the current system from working well for everyone. It has flaws substantial enough to make it irritating for some. What I can promise is that as soon as i can make it better I will. But I don't know when that might be.
Whatever the shortcomings I continue to think the ability to two way block significantly enhances the user experience on ASF. Without it I know I would not be here. It stops a lot of poor behaviour and abuse. I think the only alternative is much more active moderation which is a PITA for Joe & others.

I have always used blocking on social media platforms to greatly enhance the experience. Life is much more pleasant!
Ryan O'Neal RIP used post on ASF under a pseudonym.

I well remember a discussion we had via Conversations on the subject of the ignore function.

One statement he made on putting someone on ignore always for some reason sticks in my mind.

"GG" he said "Putting someone on ignore is never having to say you are sorry".

Wise words.


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