Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Australian Politics General...

It is called ensuring the optics are right, let's be honest not much has really happened since covid.

Snowy 2.0 has stalled, Kurri Kurri has stalled, there has been a huge amount of rhetoric on the renewable issue but very little action.

Phil Lowe was removed from the RBA, but nothing has changed on that front, inflation is still high, house prices are at record highs.

On the social housing front, there has been less housing starts, than before the immigration crisis started.

There was talk of processing battery materials here, but nothing has been mentioned since, now the battery material miners are going broke.

Absolutely nothing is happening, the only two issues getting air, is the voice and the third stage tax cuts.

What the hell is going on, we appear to be sleep walking into the abys, as they say.
But there is a lot of action on the International political chat circuit, that is getting flogged to death, shame it doesn't make us any money.

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It is called ensuring the optics are right, let's be honest not much has really happened since covid.

Snowy 2.0 has stalled, Kurri Kurri has stalled, there has been a huge amount of rhetoric on the renewable issue but very little action.

Phil Lowe was removed from the RBA, but nothing has changed on that front, inflation is still high, house prices are at record highs.

On the social housing front, there has been less housing starts, than before the immigration crisis started.

There was talk of processing battery materials here, but nothing has been mentioned since, now the battery material miners are going broke.

Absolutely nothing is happening, the only two issues getting air, is the voice and the third stage tax cuts.

What the hell is going on, we appear to be sleep walking into the abys, as they say.
But there is a lot of action on the International political chat circuit, that is getting flogged to death, shame it doesn't make us any money.

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The whole building chain seems a lose/lose for consumers.

If builders are flat out they can put up their prices as much as the market will bear and people will pay to get the job done, if there is little work they will put up their prices anyway to cover costs and make a profit.

That's the free market for ya. :rolleyes:
It is called ensuring the optics are right, let's be honest not much has really happened since covid.

Snowy 2.0 has stalled, Kurri Kurri has stalled, there has been a huge amount of rhetoric on the renewable issue but very little action.

Phil Lowe was removed from the RBA, but nothing has changed on that front, inflation is still high, house prices are at record highs.

On the social housing front, there has been less housing starts, than before the immigration crisis started.

There was talk of processing battery materials here, but nothing has been mentioned since, now the battery material miners are going broke.

Absolutely nothing is happening, the only two issues getting air, is the voice and the third stage tax cuts.

What the hell is going on, we appear to be sleep walking into the abys, as they say.
But there is a lot of action on the International political chat circuit, that is getting flogged to death, shame it doesn't make us any money.

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Everyone seems to be slowly going broke. That's about all that's happening.

Albos not much chop. He keeps his head down though so I don't notice him much. Small target so I haven't bothered complaining about him.
Everyone seems to be slowly going broke. That's about all that's happening.

Albos not much chop. He keeps his head down though so I don't notice him much. Small target so I haven't bothered complaining about him.

The Curtinesque makeover hasn't helped this midwit one iota. The only thing that can save him at the next election is the incompetency of the ilLiberal Party.

I truly despair at the state of "leadership" ( :laugh: ) in this country .
Everyone seems to be slowly going broke. That's about all that's happening.

Albos not much chop. He keeps his head down though so I don't notice him much. Small target so I haven't bothered complaining about him.
Yes the small target and blame evetybody else, but it is working as you say and by the time the election comes around everyone will have forgotten about the voice.
The only implosion that can really happen would be the grid falling over, but even that is unlikely because the transition has slowed considerably since Labor have got in.
So really there isn't much that can go wrong, because nothing is happening.
Add to that the Libs are hopeless and Albo is a shoe in IMO.
What do you think needs to be done ?
IMO, cut the crap, stop the subsidies and handouts that are just delaying the inevitable and increasing the inflationary problems.

Can the third stage tax cuts, increase the GST to 15%, raise the welfare payments 5% to compensate and lower the bottom tax rate from 19% to 15% to compensate, also every worker gets the same benefit rather than the highly paid getting multiple times more

Can negative gearing until housing prices settle, then re establish a better model, that results in a more balanced outcome.
Charge overseas investors a 60% tax on residential property purchases , as per Singapore.

Reduce immigration, with the expectation of a contracting mining outlook, as China floods the market with cheap minerals causing an expected contraction in Australian mining activity.

Allocate money to build nursing training facilities at all major public hospitals and relocate university lecturers to said facilities.
This would add staff to public hospitals and give trainee nurses real world training, rather than sending them into the workplace poorly equiped for reality.

That is just 2 minutes back of the napkin.

IMO it would broaden the tax base and allow the economy to settle and catch up on lost ground. :2twocents
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The beer tax is getting ridiculous. Apparently it raises yearly. I think we are fourth highest taxes.
This country just seems to be "Go to work, go home". It's all work, zero play.
I probably drink twice a year, non smoker, but I have been noticing cost increases across the board.
They ban vapes. Cigarettes that were $7 a packet are now $54 a packet. Schooners at the pub bordering on $10-$15.
Young people just get on drugs to save money.
IMO, cut the crap, stop the subsidies and handouts that are just delaying the inevitable and increasing the inflationary problems.

Can the third stage tax cuts, increase the GST to 15%, raise the welfare payments 5% to compensate and lower the bottom tax rate from 19% to 15% to compensate, also every worker gets the same benefit rather than the highly paid getting multiple times more

Can negative gearing until housing prices settle, then re establish a better model, that results in a more balanced outcome.
Charge overseas investors a 60% tax on residential property purchases , as per Singapore.

Reduce immigration, with the expectation of a contracting mining outlook, as China floods the market with cheap minerals causing an expected contraction in Australian mining activity.

Allocate money to build nursing training facilities at all major public hospitals and relocate university lecturers to said facilities.
This would add staff to public hospitals and give trainee nurses real world training, rather than sending them into the workplace poorly equiped for reality.

That is just 2 minutes back of the napkin.

IMO it would broaden the tax base and allow the economy to settle and catch up on lost ground. :2twocents

Franking credits?
IMO, cut the crap, stop the subsidies and handouts that are just delaying the inevitable and increasing the inflationary problems.

Can the third stage tax cuts, increase the GST to 15%, raise the welfare payments 5% to compensate and lower the bottom tax rate from 19% to 15% to compensate, also every worker gets the same benefit rather than the highly paid getting multiple times more

Can negative gearing until housing prices settle, then re establish a better model, that results in a more balanced outcome.
Charge overseas investors a 60% tax on residential property purchases , as per Singapore.

Reduce immigration, with the expectation of a contracting mining outlook, as China floods the market with cheap minerals causing an expected contraction in Australian mining activity.

Allocate money to build nursing training facilities at all major public hospitals and relocate university lecturers to said facilities.
This would add staff to public hospitals and give trainee nurses real world training, rather than sending them into the workplace poorly equiped for reality.

That is just 2 minutes back of the napkin.

IMO it would broaden the tax base and allow the economy to settle and catch up on lost ground. :2twocents

The government talked a lot about cracking down on multi-national tax avoidance but little seems to have been done.

Too hard basket perhaps ?
Franking credits?
As long as they take them off everyone, including billionaires and industry funds, absolutely fine. :xyxthumbs

I think everyone is over selective inclusiveness, Albo and silly Billy should be well aware of that by now. 🤣

Stage 3 tax cuts? :rolleyes:
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The government talked a lot about cracking down on multi-national tax avoidance but little seems to have been done.

Too hard basket perhaps ?
Or perhaps they came to the realisation that its so much easier to jut talk about it rather than doing something concrete.
If they actually wanted to do something, they would have to document exactly how this avoidance is being done, how much tax may b forgone, and how much extra thy would collect.
Or perhaps they have done the above already, but decided to just keep talking about it.
Andrew Leigh in an address to Australia Institute said they were introducing changes to laws that treasury estimate will claw back 80 million a year.
Problem is, treasury forecasts have in the past been widely optimistic in just about anything.
Franking credits?

Clearly appropriate when used against taxable income. Probably fair for small investors , retirees who don't have much taxable income.
Absolute rort for people with millions of dollars of shares and income but who have created an income return that shows no taxable income (while paying 100's of k in accountants fees .)

And then claim huge sums of franking credits in cash. There is the rort.
Franking credits?
If the idea is scrap it completely then to be fair, they ought apply the same approach to all income.

Up front 30% tax taken out of wages for example. Noting I don't advocate doing that, but then I don't advocate getting rid of franking credits either. To apply it only to one form of income, franked dividends, whilst not applying the same approach to anything else is game playing at its worst.

That said, by all means stop the tax rorts. The concept when applied properly isn't a rort however, it simply results in paying the same rates of tax regardless of income source, so the issue is with the rorts not the concept per se.

Of al rorts I'm aware of, transfer pricing is one that really needs to be cracked down on. Company X in Australia has an offshore division in a minimal tax country and sells its production to that division at cost, with sale to the customer from that division at market price. That results in the Australian operation having zero profit and paying no tax, whilst all the actual profit arises in the low tax country. It's a rort that's very clear. :2twocents
Or perhaps they came to the realisation that its so much easier to jut talk about it rather than doing something concrete.
If they actually wanted to do something, they would have to document exactly how this avoidance is being done, how much tax may b forgone, and how much extra thy would collect.
Or perhaps they have done the above already, but decided to just keep talking about it.
Andrew Leigh in an address to Australia Institute said they were introducing changes to laws that treasury estimate will claw back 80 million a year.
Problem is, treasury forecasts have in the past been widely optimistic in just about anything.

$80 million ?

Chicken feed.

The multi-nats must be shivering in their boots/
A review (cynical) of Morrisons time in government absolutely damming when the whole lot is put together a reminder of the current Labor government being somewhat rationale and actually progressing all Australians and Australia's interests.

A review (cynical) of Morrisons time in government absolutely damming when the whole lot is put together a reminder of the current Labor government being somewhat rationale and actually progressing all Australians and Australia's interests.

Labor has to do something for a comparison to be made.
A review (cynical) of Morrisons time in government absolutely damming when the whole lot is put together a reminder of the current Labor government being somewhat rationale and actually progressing all Australians and Australia's interests.
OM fckn G, what a dick, I can see why you come up with the weird views you do. check out your guru with the car guru.

Plagiarism at its best, or is it you firing up your own channel, what a hoot. :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:

But love the ocker presentation of both presenters, I wonder if this will end up in court. 🤣

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OM fckn G, what a dick, I can see why you come up with the weird views you do. check out your guru with the car guru.

Plagiarism at its best, or is it you firing up your own channel, what a hoot. :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:

But love the ocker presentation of both presenters, I wonder if this will end up in court. 🤣

I think you have totally lost the plot West has nothing to do with cars?

But he does rip Morrison to shreds.

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