Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Which investment newsletter is good?

Re: Martket Trading Advisory

Thanks for your comments Kam.
My confusion stems from differing points of view from different sources and I accept that.
That's why I try to read as much as I can to confirm claims / statements / points of view made via other independent sources.
I understand there are a lot of spruikers out there pushing this advisory or that advisory.
I am not in a position to go it alone so to speak, hence what I am asking is if anyone has had good or not so good experience with the advisory stated.
For what it's worth, I beleive some physical precious metals is on my to do list as well as some energy plays.
Online advisory services

Hi Everyone,

I am new to trading and new to this forum. Been reading for a couple of weeks and played a couple of share games. I purchased my first shares a few weeks back and they seem to be going alright.

My goal is to basically protect wealth from inflation and hopefully make a little bit more. Most of you would probably suggest that for my goals I put my money in bonds or a managed fund but I cant.

Anyway, I was wondering what is the general feeling toward online advisers. How many people here use these services. Do people generally pay attention to consensus recommendations and the like?

The services I am refering to are like Charlie Aikins, Rivkinn Report etc. I am sure there are others but havent been spammed by them yet.

see previous posts for lists of all of them [I subscribe to most] most of them publish audited results - that is a good place to start
Eureka is no 1 for me currently
Re: Stock tip sheets

I know this is a year old.. but from my experience in using Diggers & Drillers-- don't do it (lol).

Used it for a year or more.. they kept hammering away at gold stocks (and still do in their free newsletter).. every time gold drops, they claim it is being manipulated (maybe it is, so stop recommending it). Their picks on SBM and Citigold did nothing, and their backing of Oxiana at the time went all the way from 3.20 to 90 cents when it became Oz Minerals.

Haven't tried Small Cal Investor, but would be interested in his take on things.

I have been reading a lot via my email about Diggers & Drillers (Dan Denning) &
Australian Small Cap Investigator (Krys Sayce) newsletters.
Do any members of ASF have any good or negative experiences with those above mentioned? I had asked before about Trident Confidential and had got a positive answer. Anybody willing to discuss this topic would be very welcome.
I currently subscribe to Charlie Aitkens report. It isn't flush with stock tips but if you are trying to educate yourself about how the markets work and why they move the way they do, this report could be helpful. Charlies views are often contrarian, but for me, different views are what you want before you make your own decision to buy or sell.
IMO, you can't go past Nick Radge's Chartist service.

I feel I've learnt more there in the last 12+ months than I have in any previous experiences.
I reckon Diggers and Drillers is actually pretty decent if you are interested in mining stocks.

It’s a no-nonsense report with a monthly tip and weekly updates.

The price is very reasonable.

They have had some very good tips recently.

I would stay away from Fat Prophets who I think have really lost the plot since some of their key analysts left. In particular their CFD trading report is horrible!
I reckon Diggers and Drillers is actually pretty decent if you are interested in mining stocks.

It’s a no-nonsense report with a monthly tip and weekly updates.

I disagree.

It has some good tips, sure, but it is also full of nonsense. In fact, the biggest problem with all of those Sayce/Denning/Cowie newsletters is that you have to read through several pages of bluff and blather to get to the point.
Investment newsletters/magazines

Just wondering what would people consider Australias biggest investment magazine or email news letter.
And do they actually provide anything worthwhile, like any type of insight or any type of advice that could cause people to invest into a certain company?
Does anyone, or has anyone heard of experiences with 'Under the southern cross' and the series of publications that Port Phillip do (Small Cap Investigator, Diggers and Drillers etc, from the guys that do the free Money Morning email newsletters)?

I did like some of the suggestions that come through on the free Money Morning newsletters but then some seem abit too salesman/spruiking like that i've had my instinctive 'stay away' emotion triggered. The newsletters are about $100 somethig too... under the souther cross goes for a more heft $375.. i'm still on trial for a few days due to signing up for bell potter though.
Re: Investment newsletters/magazines

Just wondering what would people consider Australias biggest investment magazine or email news letter.
And do they actually provide anything worthwhile, like any type of insight or any type of advice that could cause people to invest into a certain company?

Instead of asking who we consider to be the biggest, why not find out which ones provide their subscription numbers. and then you can teach us :D

Also ask yourself another question, how do i best receive stock information, charts, infomatics, stats, tables etc.

one thing i have found..
unlike the sporting world, the best traders despise being in the spotlight, and NEVER have time to present their ideas, (in fact when they try it does not make sense to me) many of the ones that are providing their opinions, need to come up with something to talk about each week, every week, bull or bear, these are the ones i am wary of, and of the ones that don't trade themselves..

When i went through the army, i was told by my platoon leader
" you should all be better at me by the time you leave here, If i was a good solider i would not be ******* stuck here teaching you piles of ****"

4 years later when i went through uni I was told the first day of my course.
" don't take everything i say as gospel , of course if i was really good at this i would not be here teaching you all, the truth is i am here to learn from you also."

I have a trial with eureka,
I am 1 month into a D+D subscription
I use myclime for financials
I use this forum for inspiration
I disagree.

It has some good tips, sure, but it is also full of nonsense. In fact, the biggest problem with all of those Sayce/Denning/Cowie newsletters is that you have to read through several pages of bluff and blather to get to the point.

haha, yes, it is definitely full of nonsense, but some of the junk they discuss in those free daily newsletters is very entertaining. It has certainly lightened up my afternoon on more than 1 occassion.

But they do have some very good insights into the market. The Diggers and Drillers newsletters have been spruiking gold stocks for ages now, and they certainly were onto it before it became 'cool' to buy speculative gold stocks. Now everyone is jumping on the gold bandwagon.

Same with Rare Earths, Aust. Small Cap Investigator has been spruiking rare earths for a fair while now, and their 2 current predictions (LYC and ALk) have gone really well since being recommended. And now i see everyone is talking rare earths.

The other thing I like about D&D and ASCI is that they (mainly) focus on the small and micro cap stocks. I have found it very hard to find other newsletter services that are willing to spend the time investigating stocks that are sitting outside the top 300.

The downside with these 2 (and there is always a downside) is that there are a fair few subscribers now, and there are a fair few non-subscribers that 'somehow' get their hands on the newsletter before the market opens. so actually getting your hands on the stock they recommend before it doubles in price is easier said than done. But once the hype dies down, some of the predictions come back to a reasonable price and that's when you get your chance.
Have to agree with Pedalofogus. The free newsletters are entertaining as well as thought provoking. They also have many adds and references to their paid newsletters but then I guess they also have to earn a living. I subscribe to both Diggers and Drillers and Small cap investigator and have found both to be very good, I have put a lot of the recomendations in test portfolios on both for almost 2 years and had I invested in every recommendation and sold when we were told (I just left them in the portfolio), I have also been a bit slack and not entered them all but as it stands they would be up DD 83% and SCI 97% which is not a bad return. I used to pick certain reccomendations and ignore others often to my detriment but since July I have been investing equal amounts in each recommendation and am up 30% currently which is not a bad return. At around $130 for each newsletter I think they are incredible value.
The letters are written in 2 completely different styles wirh a fair bit of waffle in SCI but at the end of the day they both put forward their recommendation (generally one a month) with the associated pros and cons in a very informative way.
Not every recommendation is a winner of course but as a general rule the picks are pretty good. As Alex Cowie of D&D says his picks are not overnighters they are companies that are mostly still explorers that he has determined through his research should be future winners.
I currently subscribe to Charlie Aitkens report. It isn't flush with stock tips but if you are trying to educate yourself about how the markets work and why they move the way they do, this report could be helpful. Charlies views are often contrarian, but for me, different views are what you want before you make your own decision to buy or sell.

I'm also a fan of the Southern Cross Equities newsletter and Charlie Aitken. Best I've seen for a retail investor.
I have subscribed to lots for years
Best currently in order IMHO

Charlie Aitken
D&D/SCI/ASI [all from same source - trident]
Oz Equities [Prabhu]
Inside trader
The Chartist
Rivkin trader

also some USA ones
IMO, you can't go past Nick Radge's Chartist service.

I feel I've learnt more there in the last 12+ months than I have in any previous experiences.

I have recently come accross this and am thinking about subscribing... can anyone give me and feedback regarding this?
I have subscribed to lots for years
Best currently in order IMHO

Charlie Aitken
D&D/SCI/ASI [all from same source - trident]
Oz Equities [Prabhu]
Inside trader
The Chartist
Rivkin trader

also some USA ones

I am aware of the D&D/ASCI newsletters, and they tend to pick the smaller companies.

I am also aware of Huntley, and he tends to recommend more the top 200 sort of companies.

But what about the other ones you mention. Do they tend to recommend the bigger or smaller types of stocks?


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