Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

CVN - Carnarvon Energy

Reading the quarterly out this week was like reading the same book over and over as nothing has changed since the last one with a few numbers altered to make it look like they’re doing something. One day I’ll wake to some positive news but as yet nothing to see here☹️
Out at lunch today for mother in-laws 97th birthday and just seen the volume on CVN. What is going on? 14m traded today.
Seems like something is in the mix. 🤔Might have to open the bottom draw this year after all. We shall see
I had a look at the Santos Investor Day materials released today.

They announced "an updated capital allocation framework that will target returns to shareholders of at least 60 per cent of all-in free cash flow from 2026, following a period of major capital investment to bring significant new production online from the Barossa and Pikka projects."

It sounds like Santos is continuing to pull back from investment in new projects. I couldn't see a single mention of Dorado.

It's hard to see how CVN moves forward with Dorado continually stalled.
I had a look at the Santos Investor Day materials released today.

They announced "an updated capital allocation framework that will target returns to shareholders of at least 60 per cent of all-in free cash flow from 2026, following a period of major capital investment to bring significant new production online from the Barossa and Pikka projects."

It sounds like Santos is continuing to pull back from investment in new projects. I couldn't see a single mention of Dorado.

It's hard to see how CVN moves forward with Dorado continually stalled.
Totally agree. Has been stalled for many years yet volume last 2 days has increased. Another 10m+ today. Something is going on in the background we haven’t heard of yet and may not for a while.
One of my picks for the 2025 competition.

Something has to happen for CVN in 2025. An announcement should be made about FID for Dorado, which would kick the share price along if positive. If not, then bye bye CVN.
Yea..... It has been dormant for quite a while. Probably better off merging in into STO.
One of my picks for the 2025 competition.

Something has to happen for CVN in 2025. An announcement should be made about FID for Dorado, which would kick the share price along if positive. If not, then bye bye CVN.
More disappointment from CVN.

I thought Santos would get moving with Dorado this year, as it moves towards completion of other growth projects.

I don't know why they are so disinterested in progressing Dorado, but it is causing great harm to CVN. Maybe that is the plan?
Only for the brave . CVN 's S.P. down 23 % to close at 12 cents on huge 30 mill volume .
See the Captain's chart on his log today , post # 1998 .

8 0 % Joint venture partner at Dorado off W. A . , Santos dipped just 2 % .

Back to the drill .
COMPLETELY uninteresting company this one.

A lot can happen in a year but I wish I tipped a more interesting one to comment on each month.