Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Hopefully Useful - ASX Monitor

Hi Cattlyst,

Are you still working on the asx monitor, and are there any new improvements at all...???

p.s You've got a few interested fans round here..

Probably exam time - give the guy a break. :)
Hi All, it's been a while since I posted, but I'm still here and I still plan to work on ASX Monitor. I've been pressed for time with work and other commitments, so I've had very little time to work with the ASX Monitor.

The next version will have the ability to configure proxy settings, so that you can use it from workplaces where that sort of a network configuration is in place.

I haven't abandoned this project, but you'll have to be patient.

Hi people

I use the yahoo desktop widget engine .(used to be konflabulator) They have an excellent stock monitor.
I leave it running all the time, its easy to update and remove stocks from it


Mark W
mark_au said:
Hi people

I use the yahoo desktop widget engine .(used to be konflabulator) They have an excellent stock monitor.
I leave it running all the time, its easy to update and remove stocks from it


Mark W
Me too. Its excellent. Highly recommended.
Anyone still using this share monitor and had any updates for it lately...

As Nick's site seems no longer...

Anyone still using this share monitor and had any updates for it lately...

As Nick's site seems no longer...


Tek, I'm still using asx monitor version What version are you using?

This program has so much potential but I think it's safe to say Nick forgot about asx monitor. I would love to see following features added to this program.

* Audio notifications NOT AVAILABLE
* Monitoring of the ASX Price Sensitive Announcements News Feed so that you receive instant notification when the announcements are made NOT AVAILABLE
* Detect end of Trading and display closing prices NOT AVAILABLE
* Saving your preferences NOT AVAILABLE
* Bandwidth Optimisation NOT AVAILABLE
Tek, I'm still using asx monitor version What version are you using?

This program has so much potential but I think it's safe to say Nick forgot about asx monitor. I would love to see following features added to this program.

* Audio notifications NOT AVAILABLE
* Monitoring of the ASX Price Sensitive Announcements News Feed so that you receive instant notification when the announcements are made NOT AVAILABLE
* Detect end of Trading and display closing prices NOT AVAILABLE
* Saving your preferences NOT AVAILABLE
* Bandwidth Optimisation NOT AVAILABLE

Yes Shame as it does have potential...

But your wish list along with mine is prob what scared him away... or he is really busy...?? not sure.

I think there would be poeple willing to pay say $5-$10 each to keep the development going... as there's quite a few members on here and other share forums...

Calling Nick

Hi everyone,

I am a real newbie to this shares game but hopefully learning a bit. In my real day job I am a programmer.

I notice that in the past Cattlyst has offered a program (ASX Monitor) that some of you found useful. Unfortunately though, he seems to have moved.

I have written something similar to aid my learning of the black art of stocks, which I am willing to share with forum users and add features as requested should you wish. Hopefully, this will fill two functions.

1. Give something back in return for the information I am taking.
2. Assist me to learn about shares.

If you have any interest, please let me know.


Just as a reminder, I have written StockWatch for as a tool to enable me to learn more about the stock market (of which I am a real greenhorn) so it is pretty basic.

Current specifications of the application.

1. Written for the Dotnet2 framework
2. Uses e-trade for prices
3. Allows any number of stock codes to be entered.
4. Screen looks very similar to Catalysts "ASX Monitor"
5. All data entered is saved when the application is closed and re loaded when it start up again.
6. Different users on the same PC can load their own codes.
7. Screen minimises to the system tray and runs in the background
8. screen size and location is saved when shut down. Restarts in the same ocation and size.

current user configurable parameters:
1. Number of minutes between checking prices
2. sound file to play when a price warning occurs
3. Row colour for low price warnings
4. Row colour for high price warnings
5. Show warnings in the system tray or not
6. Show price changes in the system tray or not

If you are interested I can email a copy tomorrow after I have tidied it up a bit.
This is probably a silly question but does it really matter if the prices are delayed by 20 minutes. It doesn't seem a very long time to me.


I have installed Quickquote and the advantages I see in my application are trivial, if any.

The only advantages I see are:
1. Quickquote is written in an older language so is limited to how it can be enhanced .

2. I am a professional programmer so I can make mine do whatever I like.

Like I said, very trivial differences.
Good on ya John , AAA+++ for initiative .

I'm interested in your talented application .


  • arg-hands-clap-fas-bluebg.gif
    5.6 KB · Views: 181
I cannot upload the zip file containing StockWatch and the accompanying instructions. Can someone let me know if I can upload it, and if so, how to do it.

Alternatively, let me know if you want it and I will email it to you.



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