Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Resisting Climate Hysteria

And as little as 5 odd years back with Scab Morrisons 'big battery big Bannana' the broarder investing community had no clue as to the abitrage possiblities. And it still seems so few do.
Bill Gates' San Diego bolthole...

...draw your own conclusions.

View attachment 157216
From someone who complains more at ASF about "attacking the man" than anyone else, we can see how irony is derived.
Apparently people should not be rich and also be active on climate. I suspect the few hundred solar panels on Gate's roof comes close to completely offsetting his carbon footprint, yet becomes a Stan Grant-like target.

From those who deny a warming planet, all we get is regurgitated discredited pseudo science. At best they produce obfuscation. However, nowhere can they sow an iota of evidence that a cooling trend either can or will occur in the next decade or two. To do that they need both the data, and the mechanism, and they have neither. Meanwhile the scientific evidence for greater temperature rises continues to build.

The hysteria from those who deny climate change - in the IPCC sense - is more palpable by the day.
I’m pretty sure I saw this headline about 20 years ago saying the Arctic was going to be ice free by 2020.

Another one for the vault.

Bill Gates' San Diego bolthole...

...draw your own conclusions.

1. He likes solar panels.

2. If that's the ocean then he presumably doesn't expect sea levels to rise greatly in his lifetime.

3. Not having panels on the roof areas facing the water is a lost opportunity since clearly the sun does shine from that direction.

4. For some odd reason, he likes living near water. Suffice to say he can have that.

5. Some structures on the roof are shading some panels. It may be possible to remove or shorten these to fix the problem.

The failed predictions are really starting to build up.
hers one.
View attachment 157989

Hers a another one
View attachment 157991
And yet they still get a level of credence among the faithful.
Mick what is this about "failed predictions" ? The article you quoted was saying that if global warming isn't controlled there will be massive consequences. It doesn't say when these will occur. It does say that if we don't turn the corner by 2000 then the risks of continual warming would be extreme. I read the whole original story. It was and still is on cue.

It's now 2023. We have 1.3C of global warming on the board. It is not stopping but rather accelerating. What are the consequences of these elevation in global temperatures ? Many posters have highlighted the massive forest fires that are now common across the Northern Hemisphere and of course Australia. Ocean temperatures are rising to levels that endanger whole ecosystems. The rate of melting of Arctic and Antarctic ice is now threatening to undermine ice shelves that, when breached, will results in metres of sea level rise that will inundate coastal areas around the world. The predictions about the inevitable consequences of a continually warming world are coming to fruit.

Each of these events is documented. They are happening now because the world is warming rapidly. Each one is affecting their regions in individual or multiple ways.

And yet for all this evidence of global warming and the effect it is currently having on our world, many posters are still wishing to downplay/dismiss the issue on the basis of some old "predictions" that have simply not yet come to fulfillment.


How about considering a similar but slightly different prediction. You buy a car and the manual says replace the oil every 10k. Why ? because, well, if you don't you'll end up with a seized motor. Catastrophe.

So the oil change at 10k is skipped and nothing happens. At 20k the car is still going ok. Bit rough. The oil light is blinking now and then but hey it's just a faulty light isn't it ? At 30 k the motor seems sluggish and labours. It runs hot. That damn oil light seems to keep coming back. You're so fed up with it you pull the damn wire and no more oil light problems.

And meanwhile you think "What a load of baloney about insisting I should change that oil" " They just wanted to shake me down"

So clearly the warnings about having to take maintenance actions were just wrong. The car is still running....just a few hiccups..

Until of course it isn't.

The difference of course is that when the consequences of ignoring the effects of global warming take effect no one will be buying any new cars in a hurry- or much else. :cautious:

I think she meant we have to stop using fossil fuels in the next 5 years or we will be wiped out whenever.
Which would pretty much mean most of us starve to death before "then".... and a lot of us already.

I'll take my chances that the climate kooks are wrong.

Greta can go to Hell.
I think she meant we have to stop using fossil fuels in the next 5 years or we will be wiped out whenever.

I agree. So, we might as well give up and have a party. We're dead already.

Climate Catastrophists have replaced the Boy Who Cried Wolf.

Basilio highlighted one of the main offenders above, the UNEP. It's a joke.
The last stage of Climate denialism.

It's too late. We can't do anything. Don't worry.

Then continue to trash all the scientists and citizens who spent 40 years making the case for taking action to solve the problem. When the merde hits the fan DENY, DENY, DENY that it has anything to do with human caused global warming. In fact, far better, just DENY that anything untoward is happening. That's easier isn't it ?

All solved. You can go back to your toys
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