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Resisting Climate Hysteria

So take Australia for example. If we were able to move to a totally renewable energy base for our industrial, commercial and domestic energy needs our CO2 emissions would drastically reduce.
Sure, no disagreement there.

But in terms of doing it, well I think there's zero chance within the current political environment. What's needed is solutions to the climate problem whereas politics sees climate as simply a solution to political problems.

That most would neither agree nor disagree with that statement without it naming one or more parties, and would base their opinion solely on the party named, being the most central problem of the lot. Political tribalism has a lot to answer for, it having derailed this and various other issues severely. :2twocents

We just had the world's hottest day on record, initial data shows — and experts say it's only going to get hotter​

Where are the headlines showing evidence of the opposite? Or of a likelihood it's possible?

We just had the world's hottest day on record, initial data shows — and experts say it's only going to get hotter​

Where are the headlines showing evidence of the opposite? Or of a likelihood it's possible?
Coming RR . They are just getting them worked out for the latest release on WTF and New World Science magazine.
Absolutely certain there will be something coming out to provide an alternative set of facts. :cautious:
Watching Channel 10 and there was an ad on saying global warming caused more dog farts.
Watching Channel 10 and there was an ad on saying global warming caused more dog farts.

Well, cattle provide billions of people with food yet they want to reduce the numbers to save the world.

If we now find that dogs are also a problem, then I think they should all be sent to Vietnam so we can reduce the numbers.

We should then ban all dogs throughout the world as they are not a food source and in fact require feeding, so they should be the Greens next target for removal
Well, cattle provide billions of people with food yet they want to reduce the numbers to save the world.

If we now find that dogs are also a problem, then I think they should all be sent to Vietnam so we can reduce the numbers.

We should then ban all dogs throughout the world as they are not a food source and in fact require feeding, so they should be the Greens next target for removal

Yes, must kill all the dogs. They are destroying the Antarctic Ice Sheet.
Just as we suspected...

Indeed Wayne. Steve Molloy is always worth quoting. He manipulates data at will to argue that global warming isn't happening. This detailed analysis on last years rubbish story spells out his game.

Scientists roast climate denier on cooling claim

William Summers
January 23, 2023


The planet has been in a period of global cooling since 2015.


Misleading. The claim relies on cherry-picked data, selecting a particularly hot year as the base. Longer-term data shows a clear trend of rising global temperatures.

A US climate sceptic has gone viral on social media after pointing to official data that supposedly shows the planet has been cooling since 2015.
Steve Milloy, the founder of a blog called, uses the data to declare “CO2 warming is a hoax”.
But the claim is misleading, as the data it relies on is cherry-picked.
The base year used for the analysis, 2015, was a particularly hot year, meaning later years appear less warm by comparison. When any years prior to 2015 are added to the analysis, the data shows a clear trend of rising global temperatures.

Indeed Wayne. Steve Molloy is always worth quoting. He manipulates data at will to argue that global warming isn't happening. This detailed analysis on last years rubbish story spells out his game.

Scientists roast climate denier on cooling claim

William Summers
January 23, 2023


The planet has been in a period of global cooling since 2015.


Misleading. The claim relies on cherry-picked data, selecting a particularly hot year as the base. Longer-term data shows a clear trend of rising global temperatures.

A US climate sceptic has gone viral on social media after pointing to official data that supposedly shows the planet has been cooling since 2015.
Steve Milloy, the founder of a blog called, uses the data to declare “CO2 warming is a hoax”.
But the claim is misleading, as the data it relies on is cherry-picked.
The base year used for the analysis, 2015, was a particularly hot year, meaning later years appear less warm by comparison. When any years prior to 2015 are added to the analysis, the data shows a clear trend of rising global temperatures.

Of course :rolleyes:
This is supposed to be a scientific piece. Without even reading the article you can conclude it’s actually UHI affect, if even true. Why try and scare the punters with a ridiculous headline like this? Underground Climate Change???

Here @basilio , someone else you can create some ad hominem about

View attachment 159389
Congratulations Wayne !! Well done. You win the Jackpot.
That was the 1,630,878th publication of some version of that story. Been going since Methuselah was running around in short pants. Certainly one of the well favoured denigrations of science and scientists by the the usual suspects.

I did my research and found out where this quote was cherry picked from and why it is so irrelevant . You can check out the attached letter.
Just to summarise. Professor Folland made this comment in discussion papers on the IPCC in 1993. At that stage, as he points out, there was insufficient physical climate data available do predictions of future global warming risks were based on modals.

However from 1995 onwards fundamental climate data started to become available. So this quote is just an irrelevant , out of context spin to undermine the work of climate scientists.

Dear Mr Battig

Thanks for your request. You are about the fifth person to ask me this in the last ten years or more.

What you quote a very abbreviated report of a much longer discussion at least 22 years ago! - soon after the 1990 IPCC report and possibly around the time of the 1992 Supplementary Report. I cannot be sure to which sceptical scientist it was made but it may have been Pat Michaels - and possibly others with him. Please check with Pat.

At that time, the key driver for nations' concern about climate change was indeed mostly driven by model projections of global warming. The attached published letter written in an Institute of Physics journal by myself and one of the then IPCC Working Group 1 coordinators tried to accurately reflect the general view at that time (1993). It reflects accurately what I was trying to say the year or so before. Please quote these words as appropriate – but they were only appropriate in the early 1990s. This view was soon to change greatly; notice that the letter looks forward at its end to a greatly increased importance of climate data to the climate change debate, and to nations' policy actions and concerns.

The situation is now very different and has been since about 1995. Up to 1993, there were no published detection and attribution studies. The situation had changed by the 1995 IPCC report with the first published detection and attribution studies and since then the many results of these studies have become the most quoted and influential aspect of all the IPCC Reports. Detection and attribution depends critically on observed climate data as well as climate models. It had centre stage of course in the 2001, 2007 and 2013 IPCC reports. So climate data started to move to centre stage by the mid 1990s and was definitely right there by 2001 when I was a convening lead author of the 2001 Report. Observed data and climate models are now equally important and vital to each other. This was further helped by the fact that in 2001 the first error estimates of observed global mean temperatures were published (I lead the first paper) – much been improved conceptually but not greatly changed quantitatively in recent years - and now available for everywhere location in the world. So great efforts continue to go on into improving data by the leading climate scientists of the world using ever more advanced statistics. I, of course, have devoted considerable time since 1990 to climate data, uncertainties, and assessing the climate changes, and importantly, the variations, that they show.


In any case in 2023 we don't need to look at climate models to wonder if global heating is affecting us. 30 years later we are seeing the unfolding of the predictions made in the 1990's



  • Chris Folland Email.docx
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This is supposed to be a scientific piece. Without even reading the article you can conclude it’s actually UHI affect, if even true. Why try and scare the punters with a ridiculous headline like this? Underground Climate Change???

View attachment 159628

Might have been worth reading the story before denigrating it.;)

This process is caused by the heat generated by the underground infrastructure. Tunnels, cables, pipelines. It is this change in temperature that is becoming problematical in terms of the impact on buildings.

However if one really wants to see the effect of global heating on building infrastructure just cast your eyes to the Far North. Melting perma frost is already undermining all sorts of infrastructure in Alaska, Siberia and I assume other far north industrial sites.

This process is caused by the heat generated by the underground infrastructure. Tunnels, cables, pipelines. It is this change in temperature that is becoming problematical in terms of the impact on buildings.
UHI effect...
Swan, Wayne I love your surreal sense of the absurd. It is truly priceless.

Clearly you are both totally aware that the dribble Wayne throws up is just that. Toxic little memes circulated like confetti amongst the millions of people who just don't want to believe or even think about the possibility that this world is going to hell in a hand basket largely because they have swallowed the BS studiously spun by climate denying spin doctors you so assiduously follow.

You're smart guys. Far, far too clever to be fooled by such cheap shots as cherry picked 30 year old outdated comments.

So, of course, my effort at highlighting the 1,630,878th publication of that meme was indeed hilarious. From your POV it just showed how clever you were at getting me to go to such lengths to prove the obvious - which of course you clearly knew - because yeah you are so goddam smart .:)

Great. But the fact is Wayne, Sean perhaps not everyone on ASF are as clever as you ? I fear some people may read that
BIG PRINT post and believe it. I mean, its great to dismiss global warming as piece of alarmist rubbish when you can quote such a damning (30 year old) quote by a top notch climate scientist. And it's clearly far more comfortable than taking a peak at what is happening around the world as the rapidly warming world creates catastrophic situations. So I think we should all share the joke at just how brilliantly clever you are at pretending to believe such obvious tatt when really you are just laughing at poor deluded fools who actually believe it.

Or... maybe pop a Valium and peruse some of these, bas.

I can understand that is where you get your information from Wayne. I just wonder how it trumps what is happening in the real world where the clear effects of a rapidly warming climate are now in evidence ?

30 years ago there was some significant measurable global warming. However at that time it was still largely a model driven scenario. Climate scientists saw the increasing levels of CO2 in the atmosphere and postulated that continuing on this path would increase temperatures.

In 2023 we are seeing the evidence that proves these models. I can understand however why you want to reinforce your strongly held belief that nothing significant/serious is happening. I suspect that these people also need to reinforce their life long belief system that CC is a hoax, or not serious or whatever.
I can understand that is where you get your information from Wayne. I just wonder how it trumps what is happening in the real world where the clear effects of a rapidly warming climate are now in evidence ?

30 years ago there was some significant measurable global warming. However at that time it was still largely a model driven scenario. Climate scientists saw the increasing levels of CO2 in the atmosphere and postulated that continuing on this path would increase temperatures.

In 2023 we are seeing the evidence that proves these models. I can understand however why you want to reinforce your strongly held belief that nothing significant/serious is happening. I suspect that these people also need to reinforce their life long belief system that CC is a hoax, or not serious or whatever.
You are a fool and a disinformant, a liar in fact. A bad faith actor.

There are some great interviews there which you will probably never watch.

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