Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

SGR - The Star Entertainment Group

I'm getting more and more interested in Star. Now below 40 cents at a market cap of around $1.1 billion, however they are losing money based on the latest update. Net assets still around $2.5 billion - $300 million is intangibles, $1.7 is property, $400 is cash, not too bad for a distressed company.

They're all over the media looking like complete morons - however given how powerful a casino license is in Australia and how the media and government are essentially a monopoly/dictatorship I wouldn't be surprised if there is some behind the scenes shenanigans going on. Someone knows if they are going to keep their licenses - and I'm sure that/those people are investing accordingly. Sadly this is what makes an investment in Star a complete 100% gamble. There is absolutely nothing you can do to determine if they will be smashed by the government or not (not unless you engage in insider trading). And we've got no idea what influence the pokies have in all of this (well we know they have considerable pull over both labor and liberal politicians)

I'm getting more and more interested in Star. Now below 40 cents at a market cap of around $1.1 billion, however they are losing money based on the latest update. Net assets still around $2.5 billion - $300 million is intangibles, $1.7 is property, $400 is cash, not too bad for a distressed company.

They're all over the media looking like complete morons - however given how powerful a casino license is in Australia and how the media and government are essentially a monopoly/dictatorship I wouldn't be surprised if there is some behind the scenes shenanigans going on. Someone knows if they are going to keep their licenses - and I'm sure that/those people are investing accordingly. Sadly this is what makes an investment in Star a complete 100% gamble. There is absolutely nothing you can do to determine if they will be smashed by the government or not (not unless you engage in insider trading). And we've got no idea what influence the pokies have in all of this (well we know they have considerable pull over both labor and liberal politicians)

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SGR can develop massage centres as well with different levels - bronze ( Asian, African and Indian) , silver ( Aussies and Europeans) , platinum ( real blonde and Latinos) .
Provide free platinum cards to Pollis as they get Chairman's lounge from some of the airlines.
All regulations approved, money flows into . SGR becomes blue chip.
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I went to the Star Casino in Sydney yesterday prior to flying home (had time to kill and went to play Poker).

My god, the process to get money on to the gaming floor.

  1. Arrive, have two different identity documents taken, primary and secondary (Drivers License + Bank Card)
  2. Photo of my self against my ID, and my signature (had to match exactly to the signature on the back of my drivers license, keep in mind this is just to enter the casino (gamign floor))
  3. I had cash, to enter poker I was then forced to join the loyalty program due to the gaming card regulation/responsible gambling and AML conditions, another 10 - 15 minutes of photos, ID documents and registration
  4. I get the cashier window to convert the cash into chips, they first take the cash, deposit it onto the card, make me sign a document confirming the $200 deposit on to my loyalty card.
  5. I then get $200 in chips and have to sign a document confirming the withdrawal.
To me the barriers to entry to gamble were far to great, and I imagine it is to much of a barrier for many young and drunk tourist to be bothered with.

Won't be investing in any casino related companies on the ASX that's for sure, it appears the cashless gaming cards are going to really cripple a lot of the revenue, and I wont be surprised to see other states follow suit.
I went to the Star Casino in Sydney yesterday prior to flying home (had time to kill and went to play Poker).

My god, the process to get money on to the gaming floor.

  1. Arrive, have two different identity documents taken, primary and secondary (Drivers License + Bank Card)
  2. Photo of my self against my ID, and my signature (had to match exactly to the signature on the back of my drivers license, keep in mind this is just to enter the casino (gamign floor))
  3. I had cash, to enter poker I was then forced to join the loyalty program due to the gaming card regulation/responsible gambling and AML conditions, another 10 - 15 minutes of photos, ID documents and registration
  4. I get the cashier window to convert the cash into chips, they first take the cash, deposit it onto the card, make me sign a document confirming the $200 deposit on to my loyalty card.
  5. I then get $200 in chips and have to sign a document confirming the withdrawal.
To me the barriers to entry to gamble were far to great, and I imagine it is to much of a barrier for many young and drunk tourist to be bothered with.

Won't be investing in any casino related companies on the ASX that's for sure, it appears the cashless gaming cards are going to really cripple a lot of the revenue, and I wont be surprised to see other states follow suit.
thanks for the heads up

not only won't i be investing in any ASX listed ( casino ) stocks ( because my DNA holding is so deep underwater even a sub won't get there

next time i feel the need to gamble i will head to little Asia .. i bet some one will take cash there
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Is this the end for Australian casinos?

No money laundering, no profit it seems.

Just another reason as to why casinos and gambling in NSW is not a favorable investment. No doubt these politics will spread to other states. I do wonder where the state governments will look to raise the revenue as the number of pokie machines reduce.

Mr Wang of Macau .
Looking for a tax loss ?
He can have mine .
( or maybe he's an optimist )

S.P. up 13 % today to 12 + cents ! Huge volumes past few days , well over 100 million shares traded each day .


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J.P. Morgen's Star Entertainment holding in December went from 5 % to 6 % , on buying 37 million shares .
If they paid , say 20 cents , that's $ 7.4 Million of the folding stuff.
S.P. up 12% today ( wow ! ) to 14 cents so they're still underwater and you don't want to think what they're losing on the other 5 % .
Pub Baron , Bruce Mathieson is still holding his 10 % stake in the gambling joint , that cost him $ 14 2 Million last year .
The AFR recons he's worth over $ 2 Billion so he's not losing sleep ( ? )
( Still, a loss is still a loss ...... )


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A bit of a lesson there: in my post #86, sgr was halted and honestly the news were abysmal.

Share owners could still sell at 30c or more end September.

All news were public

Some courageous? knive catchers did still buy?

Now we are at 14c and that is probably overreached.

What are the real assets per
Reading of the shenanigans at Star confirms my belief that large entity Gambling should be banned in Australia. I had reason to park near the Cowboys Rugby League premises in Townsville one day last week just before opening time. The poor devils queued up outside waiting for the pokies to open did not appear like the bon vivants I used meet at that time of day as a lad chasing a hangover cure. They were sad ordinary people itching to get in to lose more money.

It is said that much penury, crime, prostitution and incarceration stems from gambling addiction. It really needs to be stopped all the way from outfits like Star down to the local pub or RSL.

If it has not already done so, I hope Star goes bust and its Executive and Board before the criminal courts.

Bruce Mathieson doesn't seem to have much luck picking stocks. His lost money with Endeavour Group shares as well together with SGR. EDV has only be heading in one direction, south. As with pokies I doubt whether they will ever be outlawed in this country, lobby groups will see to that never happens. There will always be desperate people willing to gamble away their pay check playing those stupid machines, always hoping for a big win if they stick around long enough. Gambling is not one of my vices.