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@mullokintyre Never a truer post penned.i attended the local Australia day function this morning, where around 300 people turned up for the award ceremony.
Three of our local councillors turned up to get their picture in the paper with the award winners.
All three voted to not celebrate or mention Australia Day on January 25th, a fact that was pointed out by the chairmans opening remarks.
The recipient of our towns Australia Day Citizen of the year award had spent her entire life volunteering for numerous community organisations and spots clubs. never got paid a cent, and spent a lot of her own money just to keep some thkings afloat.
An exceptionally humble woman who was surprised that people thought she was some sort of hero, when she said her life had been surrounded by similar minded people who gave so much to the community.
Its highly unlikely she will get an OAM, much less a Companion of the Order.
the four persons awarded Companion of the Order of Australia are all highly paid eminent scientists or bureacrats.
And when you go down through the lists, you see well paid members of the legal profession who get awards for doing their job.
Geez even that little turd Sutton got an award for ruining so many peoples lives.
Our local here did her job as well as being heavily involved in volunteering work.
The elite always look after the elites.
The rest do the hard yards.
She just mentioned this exact theme at breakfast this morning.
Those that do the most for their community as a whole do not get the acolades they deserve.
Sure the locals acknowledge them, but it should go a lot further.