Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Mr. Trump (The Donald) To Win in 2024

Give me a benevolent dictator any day.

Trump is one of those, but definitely not the other.
I think you have firmly implanted in your mind the strawman version of Trump created by sections of the media, especially the Australian media.

He certainly has many faults, as we all do. He is neither a dictator nor entirely benevolent. It cannot be questioned that he loves his country and wants the best for it and for the people within it. We shall see whether he exacts revenge on the people who have persecuted him over the last four years. Some will absolutely deserve it, but I sincerely hope it is measured and not over the top.

In the United States system, thanks to the founding fathers, it is virtually impossible to be a dictator in this you have a military coup. On the contrary, Trump has spoken about the importance of the First amendment and free speech. If he was truly a dictator then one would expect that the first and the second amendment would be the first things he would speak against.

He would not have people of the caliber of Gabbard, Kennedy, Gaetz, Musk, Ramaswamy et al on board, all people who are constitutionalists and lovers of liberty.
If he was truly a dictator then one would expect that the first and the second amendment would be the first things he would speak against.
Without necessarily referring to Trump , a dictator would speak in favour of the Constitution and free speech until he got elected, then those things would be redundant.

We will see, but I predict that the Dems will control the Senate and House after the mid term elections.(Unless Trump finds a way around that.)
Without necessarily referring to Trump , a dictator would speak in favour of the Constitution and free speech until he got elected, then those things would be redundant.

We will see, but I predict that the Dems will control the Senate and House after the mid term elections.(Unless Trump finds a way around that.)
What if he romps it in, because the unwashed masses like what he is doing.
Without necessarily referring to Trump , a dictator would speak in favour of the Constitution and free speech until he got elected, then those things would be redundant.

We will see, but I predict that the Dems will control the Senate and House after the mid term elections.(Unless Trump finds a way around that.)
Of course everything is dependent upon how Trump and in particularly his cabinet perform over the next two years. They are going to have to get their asses into gear to make positive changes.

Me, I wouldn't be game to predict that, but would hope that the republicans have a clear four years to implement agenda.

Against that I do believe that the extreme left of the Democratic Party has alienated so many.

If you have an hour this is a really good interview from a democratic activist, and Trans woman on where she believes the democrats have gone wrong, Empire it may take quite some time to pull the party into an electable state. FWIW

Of course everything is dependent upon how Trump and in particularly his cabinet perform over the next two years. They are going to have to get their asses into gear to make positive changes.

Me, I wouldn't be game to predict that, but would hope that the republicans have a clear four years to implement agenda.

Against that I do believe that the extreme left of the Democratic Party has alienated so many.

If you have an hour this is a really good interview from a democratic activist, and Trans woman on where she believes the democrats have gone wrong, Empire it may take quite some time to pull the party into an electable state. FWIW

They really ony have two years to get things in order.
There are midterm elections, where all 435 congress seats and the 33 odd seats in the senate.
If the Trump administration is seen to be performing poorly, then the GOP might lose both the house and senate majorities.
That would make Trumps job enormously difficult.
They really ony have two years to get things in order.
There are midterm elections, where all 435 congress seats and the 33 odd seats in the senate.
If the Trump administration is seen to be performing poorly, then the GOP might lose both the house and senate majorities.
That would make Trumps job enormously difficult.
He seems to have better people around him this time, notwithstanding, the odd meltdown over some of the appointments.
Why would Rubio give up one of the most cushy jobs on the planet - probably better than being the president - to work for Trump on his knees when he knows Trump has a tendency to sack everyone after 2 years?

TBH I think its one of the quirks of Republican politics of the Trump era Vance being a never Trumper to become his VP a good example.

I think they will all get along as long as they say yes and nothing blows up, if anything goes south the buck wont get back to Trump IMHO.
Soooo what are Trumps policies that favor them?
I'll start

Export illegals
Create American industry/jobs
Stop the state fiddling with their kids
Engender pride in country
Cheaper energy costs
Reduce the size of the state
Promote peace on the world scale
Pull europe/uk into line

And that's just off the top of my head without even thinking about it
Nice reprise of the rotting establishment torpedoing Trump. So smug, so superior, so patronising, so absolutely full of sh*t.
He did it twice. At the age of 78 the second time. Through an assassination close shave, through relentless lawfare, media smearing and misrepresentation, the conspiring intelligence 'community'. He is a giant. Maybe he's an alien from an advanced planet.

TBH I think its one of the quirks of Republican politics of the Trump era Vance being a never Trumper to become his VP a good example.

I think they will all get along as long as they say yes and nothing blows up, if anything goes south the buck wont get back to Trump IMHO.
I think this is evidence that we have a different Donald Trump to the 2016 Donald Trump. It seems to me that he has learned a lot since then.

It's true that he has nothing to lose personally, as he can no longer run another time, but he has a legacy to leave and some really fine people to leave that legacy to, ie those people he has surrounded himself.

Trump's ego / narcissism will ensure that he wants to be remembered as a great president and I think that is highly dependent on what state he leaves the union to, with regards his successors.

The fine people mentioned above which may succeed him as president are Vance, obviously, but also Ramaswami, Gabbard, Desantis, perhaps even Gaetz... And maybe others might present themselves in the intervening period.

Jeez, even one of the Trumps Jnrs.

Who have the democrats got? Newsome, perhaps AOC on the extreme left?... Shapiro? (but the left don't like the Joooooooz). But there is nobody else.

So putting tribalism aside, what will be the best option in 2026?

The predominant rhetoric is promotion of 1A and 2A, from these every other constitutional freedom stems from.

Which freedoms do you believe will be impinged upon by a Trump administration?
Additionally, do you think we as Australians are speaking from a position of absolute gross hypocrisy where we have:
*No right to free speech
*Proscribed speech
*Misinformation/disinformation laws about to be passed, exempting the government from the same.
*Banning of Under 16s to social media
*Almost no right to self-defense
*Draconian gun laws
*The most authoritarian totalitarian lockdown in the Western world during covid
*Ipso facto mandatory digital ID

Additionally, do you think we as Australians are speaking from a position of absolute gross hypocrisy where we have:
*No right to free speech
*Proscribed speech
*Misinformation/disinformation laws about to be passed, exempting the government from the same.
*Banning of Under 16s to social media
*Almost no right to self-defense
*Draconian gun laws
*The most authoritarian totalitarian lockdown in the Western world during covid
*Ipso facto mandatory digital ID

You said peace around the world.

If he lets Russia take over Ukraine, there will be peace but no freedom for Ukrainians, and maybe not for other countries in Europe in the future.

Similarly for Taiwan vs China.

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