Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Just Finished reading the thread. That was freakin hilarious.

Just so everyone is is clear about a few things....

Most know I am rg146 compliant. I'm an LR (licensee representative) not an AR. So you won't find me on ASIC registry, merely the company that holds the AFSL.

Part of my many duties is as a professional educator. I travel nationallly and internationally delivering financial education under an RTO. (registered training organisation). This carries an additional compliance burden. I am TAE qualified in addition to my LR status. I must maintain my teaching qual as well as my cpd's. The education I deliver is both award (qualification outcome) and non award but aligned to aqtf guidelines and corresponds to ISO reporting standards.

I've lectured for the ASX, SDIA and Kaplan

Some of the stuff I teach has a relatively hefty price tag $15,000 for example but this results in a qualification and is covered by vet fee help.

I'd merely like to point out that anyone serious about financial education should probably try and do so within the existing educational framework. For anyone considering spending several thousand dollars on a course, some of the questions you should ask that have not yet been mentioned should include:

Is this course delivered under an RTO? If not,
Does it align to aqtf non award principles?
Will I receive a certificate of attendance?

Professional education use the nationally recognized training symbol.

If it has that symbol as a student you have rights under federal legislation.


Sir O
Hi Bill,

So I assume you're still making a consistent profit day-trading options?

I also assume, that although you may have other business interests, the above is still a major source of income for you?

Would it be to much to ask what your last couple of tax returns looked like [whole financial year], perhaps a couple of past years also.

I'm not so much asking what you make in other ventures, but rather, what you can declare as total profit, from trading options, and of course, what total amount of money you had available to back up your trades?

So...May we have a peek with your consent?

I don't think anyone is looking for zillions, just a healthy consistent flow of profit, derived from a particular sized trading bank.

You still trade don't you?

I'd got the Impression you were leaning more toward multi level marketing ventures these days?....Something I think I read from you, that was a better/safer risk than options.

Anyway, If options really do work for you, then perhaps just show us what you've declared to the ATO.

Kind Regards,
The world is full of self serving sleaze buckets.

This has and does really effect you---we can all see it.

It seems to me your really mad at yourself for letting this guy past your guard.
Stop paying the price you seem to think he needs to pay.
Every sleaze bucket has to lead their own miserable life.

Get on with yours and move past it.
Thanks Tech,

Yes I am moving on best I can with 3 kids.

You're right about being annoyed at letting someone like the above mentioned, get the better of you, and once more they're good at it [Bill's a nonce compared to the slicker types, such as Andrew Dimitri & friends, who'd never be stupid enough to tango on here!]...Hence It's taken you all to bring Bill to heal....And predictably, he came off second best.

Just think I we owe it to the minions, who read this, to make a clear example of what to watch out for.
And after revizing the posts from ASF members, think you all have done a good job of that.

From trade Mathematics that were over my head, to legal points with regard to Financial Educators.

Even if this thread saves just one Family from wrack & ruin It'll be worth it.
But somehow, I think you guys can take the credit for saving many more than that.

I think this thread will go on to serve as a beacon of truth, for those in doubt.

Kind Regards,
Vicki you really are a very sad little girl. You can spew, vomit and chunder about it all day long but I know the facts and the facts are that you ignored all our warnings, all our guides and all our methods and in reality what you did had very little (if at all) to do with what we were teaching, showing and advising. You seem to have forgotton that in order to look good among you (even sadder) fans on here; but that's cool. You got what you deserved for ignoring everything that we told you to do and let's be honest... for putting your family and it's financial future in harm's way. You did all this to yourself and no amount of spin or lying is going to help you forget how much damage you did to yourself by being so casual and gun ho with your trading. It's very clear to me and everyone who knows the facts of what really happened that you are the only one responsible for your actions and your losses. Grow up, no one cares for your lies anymore.

And just to prove that you have no idea what you are talking about and just trying to be a little smart **** I have never worked at Olympic Dam. Get a life. forget how much damage you did to yourself...

Oh the irony!

I never thought you'd show up here again after the humiliation dished out to you.

Come on Bill, not withstanding whether Vicki did or didn't follow your "rules", we have already proven with simple mathematics that:

  1. Your method is the worst way to daytrade
  2. Promotes the most appalling contest risk imaginable
  3. Ergo, is not worth a pinch of camel dung

Give it a rest mate, the jury has delivered their verdict a long time ago now. :rolleyes::banghead:
Bill is keeping this thread updated to keep it up the top of Google. I like it :D
Bill is keeping this thread updated to keep it up the top of Google. I like it :D

He sure is.
Bill, you and Andrew actively encouraged people to play with derivatives like it was childs play, and even a good idea for a living lol.

When some people started to ask basic risk control Q's, such as, how much in ratio should your trades be in relation to your bank etc, I remember someone doing a little math on risk & viability of the whole thing.

And after feilding [dodging] several direct questions, you squirmed and gave a silly answer, and flip-flopped around.

I know a person who has spoken Mr Dimitri directly on the phone, and was a little annoyed that he didn't want to re-submit earlier material on the subject, refering to risk, also with this.. QUOTE "The proffessionals are just plain wrong. and here's why!" etc. etc.

Jeez, you were party to a group, that openly encouraged people to..MORTGAGE THEIR HOMES!!!!!.

And even had a finance guy who helped facilitate this....someone I spoke too.

haha, with what I've learnt about trading options, whether it be spreads or otherwise, there's no way I could ever live with myself, encouraging people to mortgage their homes to gamble..sorry.. trade!

Now....You're iether silly or sad, or just plain corrupt! choose one lol.

You want to start throwing insults around, well there's just a couple of facts for can take it as being smug?
I don't care.

Again.....May I ask with your consent, some sort of proof, of your "consistant" profits trading options?

A Document from your tax files might suffice.

But...Of course.... you can't?

If I was the 'real deal' you purport to being, and was squeaky clean in every respect.
I would proudly display to all, my financial records for a couple of years.

As I would be proud to practice what I preach, and be showing others etc.

But..Alas, for whatever excuse you put up...You just plain can't do it..hmmmm.

Bill...I believe you are a fraud, and the general public should be warned about having any dealings with you.

Again..Put up..Or shut up!...simple.

Kind regards,
p.s. A little word of advice, there's a chance you've ticked-off the wrong group of people, so in future, please keep you're posts factual, and leave out the insults.As every word is being kept on file.
Bill's new forum:

I was given his daytrading course for free a few Christmas back. Most of the videos was spent on setting up charts. No risk management strategies were taught, not even stop losses. The method is pure price action and was simple. But trading ASX options is pure foolishness with the slippage involved.
Read a few of the pages here and a few comments, but I just want to through a thought out in the wind. I'll also state by saying I am not affiliated with this Bill bloke in any way shape or form, rather in the past I purchased the Sharelord course, but that another story.

But for some people couldn't using equity from your house your house or any other technique be a smart move, if you have a firm understanding of the strategies that you employ, understand the risk that you are taking to the reward that you may receive and finally if you are half good and successful at trading?

I am just thinking it might be a good way to increase your bank and allow you to trade more and generate more income from your trades.

Just a thought.
Figjam, have a read of this thread. You will see some of the disaster that can occur as a result of using the equity in the family home.


To advise inexperienced newcomers to engage the market with borrowed money is tantamount to the reckless endangerment of the welfare (financial and emotional) of their subjects. Given that many such promoters also quote an AFSL number, this maverick behaviour also damages the reputation of the financial services industry in general. I am not a great fan of laws that inhibit people's freedom of choice, but do believe that more could be done to protect newcomers from the unscrupulous behaviour of these dream merchants.
^^ all that has been said I certainly don't doubt. My only point is in theory it's not a bad idea. Theory and practicality is two different things though.

I'm a beginner and I stay away from CFDs and couldn't image taking out cash against the house (which I am yet to buy) to trade with.
I finished reading this thread the other day and didn't feel I needed to add anything. However I am reading "Come into my trading room" by Dr Elder and this passage made me almost immediately think of Bill so thought I should share!

Language is a reflection of thought, and if a guy cannot write clearly, his thinking probably isn't too clear either.
I finished reading this thread the other day and didn't feel I needed to add anything. However I am reading "Come into my trading room" by Dr Elder and this passage made me almost immediately think of Bill so thought I should share!

Language is a reflection of thought, and if a guy cannot write clearly, his thinking probably isn't too clear either.

Just an update on one of Bills friends. Andrew Dimitri is back after his Planet Wealth shut down last year, amazing how such a"successful strategy website, blogs and ebook empire can just disappear! Like the money of some subscribers

So where is he ? Look for The latest website has no dimitri strategy, flash dimitri selfies or boasts about the incredible "andrew dimitri" but you will find fake testimonials from his wife under her maiden name - its not joanna dimitri but Joanna cowley who extolls the virtues of the intelligent trader! Well if ya wife doesn't think you are great who will ?
Beware this guy is slick and ready to take the money of the people he sees as plebs, thats us people! we are all plebs and lesser to the e scam master that is Andrew Dimitri ( thats how he sees it anyway )

I remember reading this thread back in the day when it first started on a rainy afternoon popcorn in hand laughing my ass off. Couldn't post at the time cos account had to be approved or something? Anyways.. I've been on the options learning quest on and off since then and with a stock trading background its easy to see straight through bs lol. What is interesting is if you look at his linkedin profile he calls himself a "financial entertainer" LOL (think he finally got it right).. just google his name and its the first result and then its this thread.

But seriously, speaking as a novice isn't day trading options for a miniscule 20cent spread or whatever the most idiotic thing ever? I mean day trading STOCK is hard enough as it is but those brutal bid/ask spreads would make this down right impossible even if good 'ol bill could accurately predict and time stocks like he claims he can with this method.

The only option trading I bother with these days is buying deep in the money calls/puts with at least 6-12 months till exp on stocks I don't wanna buy outright and selling puts on stocks I'm looking to possibly buy anyway.

As for tax statements? Let's face it, when was the last time a newsletter writer, subscription service or educator ever agreed to provide UNQUESTIONABLE PROOF of thier claims with trades done in real money over a set period of time. If Bill could provide this he would be one of the most talented traders in Australia.. who else earns $28,000 an hour: and still bothers designing LOGO's for $100 on the side (still overpriced lol):
Just thought I'd share my experience with Bill Stacy and his joke of a "trading course"...

I was probably around 19 or so when I came across Bill Stacy though Planet Wealth. I came cross PW through Jamie McIntyre. JM, AD, and BS are all wolves in sheeps clothing.

Promise the world and don't deliver. Of course, no one who has reasonable intelligence should expect the world to be delivered to them on a silver platter.

Anyway, I was a naive and stupid person back then, still am to a certain extent, but having done the One Day Wealth thing, I can honestly say it's not worth it. You can buy some good books instead.

I would stay away from options or any kind of derivatives investing, especially if you are going to trade options using Bill's method. He says to use a $20,000 amount for EACH trade. CRAZY, if you ask me. Brokerage and slippage...

He has no concerns about risk. (!)

His character is questionable, and it's his slick marketing webpage (you can search for it on Google - it's been archived or something) that reels all the newbies in...

I would stay away from this man. Don't touch him with a 10,000 foot pole.

Just my 2 cents.