Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Storm at Sea

Where is Your" GOLD " as a Safe Haven ?

We are All So Much Poorer!
This is a "Storm at Sea"
( Nowhere to Hide)
Ahh the old chestnut from the gold bugs, safe haven, rubbish! Gold in and of itself is pretty much just useless bling, pretty to look at and buy at the right time can give a capital gain with a quick exchange for fiat. No my good Captain, not gold but the gold chart, that is my focus.

Have you seen how the Little Aussie Battler ( The AUD) has been performing in these Sea and Weather Conditions
I don't need to watch the little Aussie battler, where goes the gold chart there goes the $A.

So let's see what happens today, are we in a storm at sea or simply a storm in a teacup?

I see the All Ords dropped to a short term rising support and sat very nicely atop yesterday, not only that but it is also sitting directly on top of the locally popular 200d exponential MA.

I took the last couple of days as a little buying op, maybe foolish but the temptation was too great!

$xao bounce 27.4.22.png
Sorry Braveheart
Ahh the old chestnut from the gold bugs, safe haven, rubbish! Gold in and of itself is pretty much just useless bling, pretty to look at and buy at the right time can give a capital gain with a quick exchange for fiat. No my good Captain, not gold but the gold chart, that is my focus.

I don't need to watch the little Aussie battler, where goes the gold chart there goes the $A.

So let's see what happens today, are we in a storm at sea or simply a storm in a teacup?

I see the All Ords dropped to a short term rising support and sat very nicely atop yesterday, not only that but it is also sitting directly on top of the locally popular 200d exponential MA.

I took the last couple of days as a little buying op, maybe foolish but the temptation was too great!

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Sorry Braveheart
I can't agree with you that this is a " Storm in a Tea Cup"
At least at this very early stage

This is a "Storm at Sea"
From my experience
Storms at Sea more than often "Strike Twice"

It is like going though the Eye of a Revolving Storm" on land
and then trying to get out unscathed on the other side

Please Refer to the Storm at Sea logbook above that I experienced in 1993
I describe how this Storm at Sea bred into a Gale TWICE

And this has happened more often than I can remember


Anyway good luck with your bargain hunting
Sorry Braveheart
I can't agree with you that this is a " Storm in a Tea Cup"
At least at this very early stage
You may very well be right my Captain, I am very wary about anything contradictory to your experience.

I see on GOOG a bit of a volume spike from last night's trading, is it tall enough? I don't know. Will this be enough to send our leading indicators, the US markets, north? Don't know, I am still playing with these pesky volume spikes, can't say I trust that I know enough about them yet to make a confident call, but I will be watching GOOG very closely.

I remember the Captain knows his prevailing winds very well and has fought many a rough and dangerous sea but there is sometimes a prevailing wind that may spring up when least expected from a whole different direction.

G-d's wind.png
Here is a riddle

Do you know how to make God laugh?
Tell him your plans!


GOOG volume spike 27.4.22.png
( in alphabetical order)






As you can see

I have no favourites

They are all going SOUTH and I fear they will take almost everything with them

Beware of these angry Seas "Braveheart"
These Seas can be and often are "MERCILESS"

Have you got the JustWatch App ?
It's great
It directs you to each streaming service you need to wacth your favourite Movies and TV Shows

Stay Well my dear Braveheart
and be very careful out there this week if you have to go a Sailing

Week #8.png

Ahoy @Captain_Chaza, you are right, they all look pretty tragic and I think the only way to know is to be on the lookout for a bit of evidence of inside info.

All but one of the banks are major constituents of the ETF BNKS. On Friday I saw a lovely big volume spike at the low price level, as you know I am playing with this little toy, just seeing how much fun it may be.

It is suggesting to me it may well be on the way up after we get through this bit of turbulence.

Have you got the JustWatch App ?
It's great
It directs you to each streaming service you need to wacth your favourite Movies and TV Shows

I don't have any streaming services, if it isn't free I don't want it! I am watching the Johnnie Depp/Amber Heard trial on Youtube.

BNKS VS 2.4.22.png
We are in the realms of chaos. Known knowns, known unknowns, and unknown unknowns.

The known knowns and the known unknowns help me safely in the harbour at the moment. Turn my ship is extremely seaworthy, repairing storm damage is time-consuming and a pain in the butt.

As for inflation hedges, they are a bit like a call option. You want to buy when that implied volatility is at rock-bottom, when seas are calm, not when the approaching hurricane has been priced in. (Preferably)

Therefore, the Golden Galleon is indeed a good buy in calm seas, but even such vessels can founder on the rocks in huge seas with much of the bounty forfeited for repairs.
As you can see and feel in holding the Wheel

This Storm is breeding into a

ie: We have a Hurricane /Revolving Storm in and about the UKRAINE
and threatening to spread further

We have a Deadly Virus/ Storm in CHINA Threatening to close down International Trade

and then we have the Yanks buying everything in sight that is not nailed down to protect themselves against

"The Perfect Storm" (MOVIE) which I watched today opens your eyes to see what happens when 2 revolving storms collide and Week #8.png get hit by a Cold Front
This movie is available on Foxtel , Binge Apple TV and Maybe even U Tube?

If anybody hopes this is going to be a "V' Bottom
Think again
As you can see and feel in holding the Wheel

This Storm is breeding into a

ie: We have a Hurricane /Revolving Storm in and about the UKRAINE
and threatening to spread further

We have a Deadly Virus/ Storm in CHINA Threatening to close down International Trade

and then we have the Yanks buying everything in sight that is not nailed down to protect themselves against

"The Perfect Storm" (MOVIE) which I watched today opens your eyes to see what happens when 2 revolving storms collide and View attachment 141251 get hit by a Cold Front
This movie is available on Foxtel , Binge Apple TV and Maybe even U Tube?

If anybody hopes this is going to be a "V' Bottom
Think again
Digressing from allegorical economics for a moment, I actually have a family friend (now deceased) who was in the actual Perfect Storm.

I saw the barometer graph from
their boat, hanging on the wall in their house.

Holy Shyte is all I can say.

The allegory remains.

I'm reminded of another seafaring tale of woe, The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald.

Where are we now? I'm just waiting for the old cook to come on deck to tell us, "fellas, it's too rough to feed yez"
I forgot I had the little GAL Storm Sail stored down below Deck

Lots of Volume toady?

It just goes to show us that miracles also happen at sea without any warning at all
~ 300 %
Sailing in these conditions is only for the brave IMHO
The Very Brave
I can see a little bit of silver lining
My Favourite
The Little Aussie Battler is recovering with a spinning bottom and Diverging Instruments
This should help all our Materials Classes of Sail at Dawn in the morrow

IE: As long as the Yanks don't stuff it up again during the night
Every seaman knows but often forgets

The Storm always Strikes TWICE

is when you enter the revolving storm
Twice is if you get out alive
In the middle the seas are beset in a calm and life at sea is Paradise

But then she POUNCES Again

And the defensive classifications of sail Fail ONE By ONE in the strong winds

This is not supposed to happen because these Classifications of sail are designed to rarely go up but never go down
Here we see the definition of Sweet Fundamentalism at its best

Bodies start to surface when the Defensive classes start to decline

APPLE I call "The BIG American"
The way she goes so Goes America

AAPL W.png

WMT W.pngTGT W.png
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( in alphabetical order)


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As you can see

I have no favourites

They are all going SOUTH and I fear they will take almost everything with them

Beware of these angry Seas "Braveheart"
These Seas can be and often are "MERCILESS"

Have you got the JustWatch App ?
It's great
It directs you to each streaming service you need to wacth your favourite Movies and TV Shows

Stay Well my dear Braveheart
and be very careful out there
this week if you have to go a Sailing

View attachment 141165
I'm not stating anything about all these charts - they seem kind of clear to me. All I'm saying is that it's very easy to predict the future in retrospect. But it is still interesting for me to observe various changes and sometimes I predict myself :) Did any of the charts predict the current crisis?
I'm not stating anything about all these charts - they seem kind of clear to me. All I'm saying is that it's very easy to predict the future in retrospect. But it is still interesting for me to observe various changes and sometimes I predict myself :) Did any of the charts predict the current crisis?
When the Banks Decline
Have a Look at the Rest of the MARKETS since MAY 2

Notice anything?

If they are Not a Bell-Weather indicator
Nothing is!
When the Banks Decline
Have a Look at the Rest of the MARKETS since MAY 2

Notice anything?

If they are Not a Bell-Weather indicator
Nothing is!
What changes did your charts show before February 24, 2022? Anything after that, it's clear to everyone that there will be changes.
It looks like it might be all over ( for the time being)
I can see lots of those crudely materialist Yahoos wondering "What's happened"

"Oh No! Not my WALMART"

WMT D.png

Oh No! Not my APPLE Too)

AAPL D.png

(Oh No! Not my GOOGLE Too)

GOOG D.png

As we all have been caught out at sea in these horrific seas and weather conditions to various degrees of stress and hardship
(this Captain included )

We must now RETALIATE and Rebuild our fortunes ASAP

Naturally as Time and the Sea and Weather conditions Permit

When working out how to TACK out of this Perfect Storm
One should make sure you have the best Currencies on board first

Seems obvious to me
But it is not so obvious to most Landlubbers

As we see below

Our little Aussie Battler (AUD) is overtaking the Big Buck (USD) in no ordinary fashion ATM

One is going South and the other is heading North


Go on Aussie Go On
Go On Aussie Go On


Bon Voyage and Stay Well

He or She or any of Mankind who Hesitates
When Sailing on the High Seas of the Global Exchanges
It is always wise to keep a close eye on our great Frenemy
"The Chinese"
"He "can be so Kind and yet so Merciless to us Brave sailors
As you can see below the long term ~1.3 yr downtrend is finally weakening

The Chart says it all

HSI W.png

Sailing the Hang Sang ONE Day at a Time
Confirms that TOMORROW could be a Very Good Day
Make sure you hold onto your hats after 11.00 am Tomorrow AEST

HSI D.png

Bon Voyage and Stay Well

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