Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

The Media

Define 'old fashioned Labor Party'.

If you mean nation builders and visionaries like Chifley, I would agree, but that would mean being further Left than Labor is now, not more conservative.
That is so true, maybe it was unavoidable, but the move of Labor to the right and Liberal to the left started in the 1970's and now we have two parties, which in reality are very near identical, one has a slight social agenda the other a slight commercial agenda.

But in reality, neither party wants to take the step to make a reward for endeavour society, Labor want to constantly increase the burden on the worker to further the lifestyle of the non worker in the name of socialism,caring and equality and the Libs want to constantly increase the profits of the employer in the name of increasing job creation.

At the end of the day, both ideologies take more from those working, to either support those not working, or to try and encourage those not working to find employment.

As @wayneL says, no one is actually trying to make working the best choice, by just improving things for the worker, so that aspiring to work and do your best, results in a much better outcome for the worker, for the country and for the employer.

Currently that idea is not being supported by the narrative, being on welfare and aspiring for subsidised social housing, free medical and welfare from birth to death is becoming much more attractive than studying hard and maybe getting hecs debt, working harder and being a mortgage slave for the rest of your life then if you save some money you can use that to paying for everything in retirement and old age. Thankfully then you die. :roflmao: :wheniwasaboy:

That maybe a bit melodramatic, but you can obviously see the conceptual issue that young people, who are receiving a poor education due to a failing education system face, there are fewer manufacturing skilled jobs and only the cream of the masses of Uni graduates get exceptional jobs, because there aren't that many available.

Difficult times indeed, when everyone has an expectation of life being good and we have offshored our high skilled, high paying jobs and made our education system into a no one fails sausage machine that prints certificates and is a license to print money.
Only my opinion, but a reckoning is nearing, as the population increases rapidly and the high paying jobs deminish through technology and workplace changes. .
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That is so true, maybe it was unavoidable, but the move of Labor to the right and Liberal to the left started in the 1970's and now we have two parties, which in reality are very near identical, one has a slight social agenda the other a slight commercial agenda.

But in reality, neither party wants to take the step to make a reward for endeavour society, Labor want to constantly increase the burden on the worker to further the lifestyle of the non worker in the name of socialism,caring and equality and the Libs want to constantly increase the profits of the employer in the name of increasing job creation.

At the end of the day, both ideologies take more from those working, to either support those not working, or to try and encourage those not working to find employment.

As @wayneL says, no one is actually trying to make working the best choice, by just improving things for the worker, so that aspiring to work and do your best, results in a much better outcome for the worker, for the country and for the employer.

Currently that idea is not being supported by the narrative, being on welfare and aspiring for subsidised social housing, free medical and welfare from birth to death is becoming much more attractive than studying hard and maybe getting hecs debt, working harder and being a mortgage slave for the rest of your life then if you save some money you can use that to paying for everything in retirement and old age. Thankfully then you die. :roflmao: :wheniwasaboy:

That maybe a bit melodramatic, but you can obviously see the conceptual issue that young people, who are receiving a poor education due to a failing education system face, there are fewer manufacturing skilled jobs and only the cream of the masses of Uni graduates get exceptional jobs, because there aren't that many available.

Difficult times indeed, when everyone has an expectation of life being good and we have offshored our high skilled, high paying jobs and made our education system into a no one fails sausage machine that prints certificates and is a license to print money.
Only my opinion, but a reckoning is nearing, as the population increases rapidly and the high paying jobs deminish through technology and workplace changes. .
We have an economy which does not actually produce anything apart from asset inflation and a little bit of wheat. We trade stocks and properties in order to get wealthy, perhaps retailing shyt from overseas. But who actually produces something of substance in order to get wealthy? Dammit, I have made far more money from f****** around with stocks and options than slaving my guts out under mongrel, bad tempered, badly trained "fur babies"

Yeah we dig shyt out of the ground and flog It to the Chinx, so they can sell it back to us with value added. This has made us the 98th ranked country in terms of economic complexity... Which has been mentioned many times before on this forum.
You are kidding... surely?
Absolutely, if you read recent history, since the 1970's you will find that is the case, as long as you are prepared to look at it in a honest and objective view.
Historically Labor has shifted to the right and the Liberals have shifted to the left, no one is saying Labor is more right than the Libs, or the Libs are more left than Labor.
But they are both working less and less for the blue collar wage slave and demanding more and more from them.
But they are both working less and less for the blue collar wage slave and demanding more and more from them.
At least Labor arranged the tax cuts to favour low and middle income earners rather than those on higher incomes.

The Coalition under Abbott , Turnbull and Morrison supressed wage rises and created more wage slaves on the way.
At least Labor arranged the tax cuts to favour low and middle income earners rather than those on higher incomes.
I don't disagree with that, but they have also pushed inflation, which has reduced 'real wages' by the most since the Hawke Keating years, so they really had to do something, they have screwed over the middle class moving the tax cuts is really a token gesture compared to the pumping of rents, house prices and general costs.
From your ABC. ;)

The Coalition under Abbott , Turnbull and Morrison supressed wage rises and created more wage slaves on the way.
Wages were supressed but so was inflation and interest rates, so as above if 'real wages' are growing, then spending power is increasing.
One has to look at things holistically not only on one factor, as that can and does give a misrepresentation of the underlying issue.
Historical data actually shows what happened with 'real wages', rather than anecdotal stories and impressions fostered through media story telling. ;)

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Absolutely, if you read recent history, since the 1970's you will find that is the case, as long as you are prepared to look at it in a honest and objective view.
Historically Labor has shifted to the right and the Liberals have shifted to the left, no one is saying Labor is more right than the Libs, or the Libs are more left than Labor.
But they are both working less and less for the blue collar wage slave and demanding more and more from them.

Suppressing wages growth, attacking wage conditions, increasing casual work contracts, removing penalty rates from the lowest paid, backing corporation banks to keep stripping money from the sheep, backing banks to continue colustion in wealth advice, giving tax breaks to the wealthy, protecting billionaire miners to make more billions, work non choices and much much more is the Liberals moving to the left?

Agree Labor has gone to the right technically pretty much forced by Australians being fed the US BS that everyone can be rich if only you work hard and buy houses.

The so called blue collar worker has long left the scene alone with manufacturing due to lazy government policy (Keating "lazy Liberals") based on how market forces will make us great... BS.

Its now contact tradies who are all entrepreneurs next level down and its the lowest paid living subsistence levels of poverty just take a stroll through those hard bitten areas in Greenfields to see reality (you might need a gun :)).

Market forces aka the "Jack System" is now well ensconced into the Australia psych / culture the behavior around the "Voice" damming proof.
I don't disagree with that, but they have also pushed inflation, which has reduced 'real wages' by the most since the Hawke Keating years, so they really had to do something, they have screwed over the middle class moving the tax cuts is really a token gesture compared to the pumping of rents, house prices and general costs.
From your ABC. ;)

Wages were supressed but so was inflation and interest rates, so as above if 'real wages' are growing, then spending power is increasing.
One has to look at things holistically not only on one factor, as that can and does give a misrepresentation of the underlying issue.
Historical data actually shows what happened with 'real wages', rather than anecdotal stories and impressions fostered through media story telling. ;)

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But COVID and Ukraine came along and everything changed.
SP try this wages growth for more recent times

Wage growth, has to measured against cost of living, otherwise it is meaningless.
That is why the real wage index is used as it's a reflection of disposable income.
Wage growth in Argentina is probably great, but they have to take a wheelbarrow load of money to the shops, so it becomes meaningless if wage growth lags the consumer price growth.
As the graphs above show.
Suppressing wages growth, attacking wage conditions, increasing casual work contracts, removing penalty rates from the lowest paid, backing corporation banks to keep stripping money from the sheep, backing banks to continue colustion in wealth advice, giving tax breaks to the wealthy, protecting billionaire miners to make more billions, work non choices and much much more is the Liberals moving to the left?

Agree Labor has gone to the right technically pretty much forced by Australians being fed the US BS that everyone can be rich if only you work hard and buy houses.

The so called blue collar worker has long left the scene alone with manufacturing due to lazy government policy (Keating "lazy Liberals") based on how market forces will make us great... BS.

Its now contact tradies who are all entrepreneurs next level down and its the lowest paid living subsistence levels of poverty just take a stroll through those hard bitten areas in Greenfields to see reality (you might need a gun :)).

Market forces aka the "Jack System" is now well ensconced into the Australia psych / culture the behavior around the "Voice" damming proof.
The loss of of our living standard is going to keep going on, we are running out of things to sell, both sides are on the same page IMO.

Just a lack of a vision and talent, from both sides, sad really.
The loss of of our living standard is going to keep going on, we are running out of things to sell, both sides are on the same page IMO.

Just a lack of a vision and talent, from both sides, sad really.
The sad reality is that both sides mostly only care about No 1 and the leather seat they place their bums on for each 3 yar term.
The so called blue collar worker has long left the scene alone with manufacturing due to lazy government policy (Keating "lazy Liberals") based on how market forces will make us great... BS.
On that front it's something I've looked into the details of and suffice to say if I could pinpoint when the first seeds of destruction were sown, it was with a number of actions during Menzies' last term in office.

From there it gathered momentum under successive governments of both persuasions with support from various others.

It'll take a full blown crisis to fix it and even then it'll be a monumental task. :2twocents
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It was quite amusing to watch the Media trying to stir up outrage over the PM's house purchase and getting very little reaction from LNP pollies over it.

Of course, most MP's and Senators own multiple properties, so they are hardly likely to complain about the PM in case the spotlight turns onto them.
It was quite amusing to watch the Media trying to stir up outrage over the PM's house purchase and getting very little reaction from LNP pollies over it.

Of course, most MP's and Senators own multiple properties, so they are hardly likely to complain about the PM in case the spotlight turns onto them.
This is why we will never have a property crash, unless absolutely everything crashes.
It was quite amusing to watch the Media trying to stir up outrage over the PM's house purchase and getting very little reaction from LNP pollies over it.

Of course, most MP's and Senators own multiple properties, so they are hardly likely to complain about the PM in case the spotlight turns onto them.
I thought it was funny when Scomo was canned for taking on more responsibility, when the country was shut down, yet the media went to town.
They also paid out when he said firefighting wasn't his brief.
Now it seems saying it isn't my job is not a problem, I wonder how long that will last? When things go pear shaped, which I think isn't far away. Lol
Housing has been made out of reach of the working class, now they have been told their super will be used to pay for their aged care, meanwhile their taxes are paying for social housing, that they wont qualify for.
What a cluster pluck. Lol

Albo is reading the play beautifully IMO, sell now buy now, because housing is decimating working class aspiration and they are getting angry.

They work to cover their rent and now their super will cover their old age care. Lol what a mess.

Bail out now is the correct move for Albo, this is turning ugly. Lol

Next step the media start to realise it is out of step with its subscribers, then the trouble starts for Albo and I think that isn't far away.
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