Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Two-way block

Reviewing my ignore list there are seven on there. Although I have put others temporarily on ignore, a little bit of a timeout, those seven are going to be there permanently.

In corollary, those which have me on ignore I am also pretty happy about.

It can make some threads a little bit bewildering, but there are ways to be able to understand the context.

I guess one should be careful not to use the ignore function to create a little Echo chamber here on ASF, but as mentioned above, some will stalk you around the forum and be unreasonable.
Joe, there are some members who behave rather unilaterally. One, I'll PM you name if you want, is a useful member with useful if opinionated views. I responded on a 'General Chat' topic and get an Ignore. Which sits there. Now, as a contributor to this site, I'd like to post on economic and share threads, but all I see is some disjointed nonsensical narrative because of the block.
Reviewing my ignore list there are seven on there. Although I have put others temporarily on ignore, a little bit of a timeout, those seven are going to be there permanently.

In corollary, those which have me on ignore I am also pretty happy about.

It can make some threads a little bit bewildering, but there are ways to be able to understand the context.

I guess one should be careful not to use the ignore function to create a little Echo chamber here on ASF, but as mentioned above, some will stalk you around the forum and be unreasonable.
yes I reviewed my IGNORE list today. Most were flash In the pan , here today gone tomorrow , barrow pushing wanna-be's that are long gone. I don't block any meaningful contributors, annoying as they often are.
Joe, there are some members who behave rather unilaterally. One, I'll PM you name if you want, is a useful member with useful if opinionated views. I responded on a 'General Chat' topic and get an Ignore. Which sits there. Now, as a contributor to this site, I'd like to post on economic and share threads, but all I see is some disjointed nonsensical narrative because of the block.

I'm not familiar with this particular situation but I would say that if you were perfectly civil and respectful in your post then this kind of block is the exception rather than the rule.

I would also say that in this kind of situation I am willing to act as a mediator to approach the person in question to see if the block can be removed.
I think if anything can be learned from this thread, and the two way block generally, it's:
  1. Be nice to others. Be civil and respectful. Add value. If you get the urge to say something unpleasant to someone else, resist it.
  2. If someone does block you, let it go. It's not going to change your life. At worst it's a minor irritation, but ultimately it's just one less person in the world you have to think about.
And if you really must know what someone who has you blocked is posting then log out and read ASF as an unregistered visitor. Or stay logged in on your main browser and use another browser to view ASF as an unregistered visitor.
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I think if anything can be learned from this thread, and the two way block generally, it's:
  1. Be nice to others. Be civil and respectful. Add value. If you get the urge to say something unpleasant to someone else, resist it.
  2. If someone does block you, let it go. It's not going to change your life. At worst it's a minor irritation, but ultimately it's just one less person in the world you have to think about.
And if you really must know what someone who has you blocked is posting then log out and read ASF as an unregistered visitor. Or stay logged in on your main browser and use another browser to view ASF as an unregistered visitor.
Can I block the unregistered visitor as well?
Was a nice trigger to check my numerous blocks, most for short term members long gone..I block the spamming authors..
But a few others with reasons still valid.
Just one block I am unsure of : valuable long term member, opposing views but could probably debate meaningfully around a table..
That block maybe a weakness from my part ..others well ..thanks for the block is too short..
What will make ASF more civil and less combative?
Banning the problem members.
Whatever the shortcomings I continue to think the ability to two way block significantly enhances the user experience on ASF. Without it I know I would not be here.
Agreed. I have no desire to read absolute shite. I use the block function as a filter.
Two way block is a one way street.

I resent and don't respect one of those who has me on ignore whereas for the other one, I am grateful.
Cause and effect dona.
In a way it's perfect diplomacy in action; if you want to view someone's content then show them civility and respect. If not, then you will likely cease to exist to them...
Precisely ;)
and that is often blaming the victim, which doesn't wash with me.. .Sorry.
You're not a victim if you deserve it.
One, I'll PM you name if you want, is a useful member with useful if opinionated views. I responded on a 'General Chat' topic and get an Ignore.

I would also say that in this kind of situation I am willing to act as a mediator to approach the person in question to see if the block can be removed.

Alright so joe did exactly that and seemed to think you have no idea why I blocked you. Here's why:

Lucky guys @MovingAverage , @qldfrog . Fancy the forum's newest ultracrepidarian doing something like that.

It's really very simple dona: You insulted me and I used the block button to tell you to go fcuk yourself. Same thing i did with ducati and instevoboy and whoever else. If you want to discuss a particular issue at hand then I'm all for it but if you'd prefer to just give me snarky insults then I have better things to do with my time.

I am under absolutely zero obligation to indulge, engage with, or even read, anyone's bull****, and more to the point, I don't want to.

There are quite a few members on this forum (that are on my block list) that I cannot for the life of me figure out why joe has not just banned.
I think if anything can be learned from this thread, and the two way block generally, it's:
  1. Be nice to others. Be civil and respectful. Add value. If you get the urge to say something unpleasant to someone else, resist it.
  2. If someone does block you, let it go. It's not going to change your life. At worst it's a minor irritation, but ultimately it's just one less person in the world you have to think about.
And if you really must know what someone who has you blocked is posting then log out and read ASF as an unregistered visitor. Or stay logged in on your main browser and use another browser to view ASF as an unregistered visitor.
Why bother to go thru that length just to check what's been written to hurt your self esteem?
Life is short.
Live Healthy n Happy.
Example: @ducati916 has me on ignore
I wouldn't be bothered by that country lad, I have him on my ignore list and it's because he is the biggest douchebag on the face of the earth.

He's one of the members I think joe should just ban.
Sorry non city young person, but I was surprised that anyone would tick the notifications emails box on preferences.
I doubt I could cope with getting that many emails .
The alerts system is enough for me.
Sorry @mullokintyre but I know not of what you speak, and am confused by your reference to emails and notifications, the technicalities of which are beyond my comprehension.

I was referring to the "Report" function which I showed (badly) in a previous screen shot. This one may clarify.


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